Note by Ashla

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Assalamu Alaikum wattpadders,

firstly I will like to thank everyone who stops by and added this book. Thank you and In Shaa Allah you won't regret it.

Writing this book has been my dream and finally I am sharing it.😍 and my dream is coming true

It's a highschool book, so what do you think will happen from the description?

All rights reserved®Anisah Abubakar Bamalli. No part of this book should be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or in any form without the consent of the author.

I present to you this book as a birthday gift from me which will be on 14th November.

This book is a total work of fiction. All names of characters, events, venues, are all authors imaginations, any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, name,business here is purely coincidental.

No plagiarism, it takes a lot of effort to write a book and someone from nowhere will copy, so please let's kindly respect ourselves and not copy anyone's ideas.

Being a writer is not easy so please bear with all writers, you are welcome to point out any correction(s) politely. Please motivate your writer, because it means a lot to me, that is how the writer knows whether she can continue with her book or not, and also, that's why there is a vote button and a comment section, so please don't hesitate to tell us your thoughts.

10th November,2022.

Love In Uniform: Last year in highschool✔️Where stories live. Discover now