Final authors note

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Assalamu Alaikum wattpaddians.

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, All praise be to Allah.  We've come to the end of love in uniform:last year in highschool. I'm really happy finishing this book, because I never thought I'll be able to finish it.

But alhamdulillah we did it, because I'm not the only one that did it, it was with the help of Allah and you too, it wouldn't have been possible without your support. So Thank you to everyone who voted on this book, who commented and shared this book.

I'm now working on my other book, I have published about five chapters,do check it out please, The name of the book is Cut the crap Mr CEO. It's actually about drama and romance, not your regular story.

Thank you to all my readers, commentors etc.

Love In Uniform:last year in highschool is my first book and also first completed book. I deserve some accolades because writing a book is not easy, you get sleepless nights, getting ideas while showering😂 skipping food, class and assignments just to write but at the end, it worth it.

Something's that happened in the book weren't actually meant to happen but it happened. That was Allah's will.

Sultana was suppose to end up with Abdullah but things changes so sultana ending up with Yusuf is for best.

Also, Sultana and Muhseena have patch things up, sometimes you just have to mend things but it might not go back the way you want it to be.

Abdullah wasn't supposed to end up with deejarh but then it happened.

Hajarah also ditched Yusuf for her guy.

Also me not mentioning the owner of the school account is what i preferred.

It's a wrap for Love in Uniform:last year in highschool, I hope you enjoyed the book, and it's also a wrap for the book I've been reading ( Song of a crimson flower )  that have been distracting me from updating

I started writing this book on the 14th of November,2022 which was on my birthday and I finished writing this book on the 14th of June, 2023 which is 7months now. Thank you guys for making this book successful.

Jazakumullahu Bi Jannah,

4th July,2023

Wassalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah.

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