chapter 7 ~ Dislocation

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Sultee's P O V

If you are found with any fault, which you do intentionally, you will leave the game, even if you are the best player. " Abdullah said, sipping water from his water bottle

    "Are we ready?" He asked, keeping the water bottle aside.

" Yes captain." We chorused.

"Are we ready?" He asked, this time louder.

"Yes Captain," we chorused loudly.

"Are we ready?" He asked louder again.

" Yes Captain." We chorused louder. "

"3,2,1 start"he said

  Some minutes after we've start playing.

" Kick the ball well."he said to the fair girl kicking the ball as if she doesn't want to play.
" Passing." He said to another guy.

" That's good, excellent alaika". He said when the guy passed the ball.

" Focus, eyes on the ball." He said.

" Play harder." He said to another guy.

" Run and catch the ball."he said to the girl that was forming while playing.

" Lady with the blue cap." He called, " increase speed, " he said.

" That's great, Bravo alaiki." He added.
   The girl increased speed and passd the ball to me.

" Sultee,run to the right side." He said and I did immediately.

    We kept playing, and Abdullah was couching us.

" Ahhhhhhhhh, " I winced in pain stopped for a while, one guy kicked my leg hard. I have noticed he has been trying to get a hold of the ball but I didn't allow me so he kicked my right leg. We continued playing and I start to feel pain but I ignored it and still played. Abdullah didn't notice, if he had noticed he would have disqualified him.

    We were in the middle of playing when I start to feel dizzy.  But I kept playing.

   " Sultee are you ok?" A familiar voice asked but I am not sure who it is.

" Yes I am." I said and I kept playing.

  " It's a goallllllllllllll. " I heard people chorused but before I could do anything I fell down

   " Sultee are you ok? Wake up? Why isn't she talking?" I heard some people talking but I couldn't figure out the voices and soon darkness engulfed me.

  Abdullah's P O V

" Nurse, please treat her, she just fell down and she's now unconcious" I said to the nurse I saw immediately I entered the clinic

"Ok wait outside" She said as sultee was on the stretcher and I went outside looking at her.

I waited outside, pacing to and fro, my pulse was erratic, I had many thoughts going on inside my mind.'Will she be ok? How did this happened? I was deep in thought when a girl came to me.

" Excuse me captain," she said gaining my attention.

" Yes, how may I help you?" I asked her.

"I want to talk regarding the incident that happened I guess I know what happened." She said.

"Ok tell me what happened to her?" I asked with curiosily.

"There is a guy who we play football with him, he is in Ss1 art, he kept trying to dribble senior sultee but she didn't gave him a chance so he kicked her leg hard, I didn't know it would lead to her falling on conscious because she didn't show she was in pain. I am sorry Captain for not telling you till now." She narrated and my fist clenched. I will deal with this guy,how dare he.

"Thanks, what's his name and yours too?" I asked.

"Faeez Hammad and I am Yusrah Asad. " She said.

"Thank you." I said.

"You are welcome, I will take my leave" she said while I nodded and she left. Just in time the nurse came.

" Nurse how is her health? Is she hurt?" I bombarded her with questions.

"Calm down, don't worry she is fine. Is she your sister?" She asked.

" No " I replied.

"Then she is your girlfriend?" She said and I nodded

"no" I said simply

" I asked because you look worried"

"You are in love with her unknowingly, treat her with love and care, As I looked into your eyes, I know it says alot. You are deeply in love but to you, you think it's just friendship, but it's more to it. You should realize the love you have for her. " She said

" good, but I am sorry to say she dislocated her right leg"

" She dislocated her leg?" I asked with shock written all over my face.

" Yes I am sorry, though I have treated her she should be taking to a hospital. " She said.

"Can I go and see her now?" I asked, it's only if I see her that my mind will be at ease.

" Yeah sure." She said and I entered the ward. She is sleeping peacefully, with half of her body covered with duvet. I sat by her side recalling what the nurse told me.I looked keenly at her.
Is it true I am in love with her? Or is it the too much care I shower upon her? But I love being with her, her happiness cures me, her sadness kills me. Since the day I saw her, I feel like a connection towards her.

" Hey, bestie what happened to you?"

" she wasn't playing the ball?"

"Shhhhhh, she's sleeping." I said to her. When did you came in?" I asked because I couldn't recall when you entered.

" When you were busy thinking about my bestie?" She said with a wink and I smiled and she sat on the chair. 

"Abdullah I know you are in love with Sultee, right from the start, what you do, Your are just not able to show or prove it to her, when you hold someone close to your heart, you can do anything for them. Prove your love,make her your priority and you won't regret knowing her.

   Heyyyy guyssss, who missed me?😁 Or is it sultee that you missed? Anyways, how are you all doing? So Abdullah is in love with Sultee 😍 osheyyy, or is it my eyes 😂

R/Q - Rema bounce or Ruger bounce?

  Oboiiii, I love all but I guess Ruger bounce but all are on 🔥🔥

Tell me about the book please, ghost readers na God I take beg una, please you should comot and tell me about the book.

 7th November,2022.

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