Chapter 27 ~ Announcement

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Sultana's P O V

     Clad in my sportswear, I am in school already and assembly was called.

  "Good morning students, So we need to inform you guys that some thieves broke into my office yesterday but thankfully they didn't stole anything but we need to be cautious. " She said.
"Ok ma," they chorused. Investigation is going on, you can all go to class now. " She said and we left for our classes. A teacher came in, it's time for government. I fish out my phone and typed

Baddies Crew

Me - She'll never find out by Allah's grace

Deejarh- Yes in Sha Allah

Deejarh - I have an account that I haven't been using so I'll follow the account

Yusuf - that's great, you should let us know if they accept the follow request.

Deejarh - sure I will. Where is Abdullah?

Abdullah - heyyy here I am

    Soon our class ended, It's break time, we went to the cafeteria and ate. We went to the hall, the school have an announcement so we all went there.

"So guys, examination is starting in a week's time, also the activities that will take place during graduation, all the participants have been chosen." Abdullah announced. You can all leave." He added but deejarh stopped them.

"Guys what's tomorrow??"she asked. They looked at each other confused then try shouted at the same time.

" It's Valentine's Day.

Yusuf's P O V

" What will you give her as Val's gift?"I asked Abdullah who was lying on the bed.

"I'm not sure but I'll order online." Abdullah said.

"Ok, but what are you buying her?"he asked.

"Come over I'll tell you."Abdullah said and he told Yusuf in the ear and Yusuf gave him a thumb's up.

"Whose address should I give, mine or hers?" Abdullah asked.

"Hers." I said and thats how we did.

"Yusuf when are you proposing to Hajarah?"Abdullah asked,changing the topic.

"I'm thinking tomorrow, since it's Val's day tomorrow" I said.

"Ok then, I'll be responsible for the arrangements."I said and he smiled.


Hey guys I know it's short but manage

Tag your friends and family

10th June, 2023.


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