chapter 8 ~ Home

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Abdullah's P O V


   I am now the new captain of the football club. we went back to class to take our jerseys, I, deejarh and sultee, we took it and changed into it. It's a jersey with it's shorts but for the girls you wear a leggings under the 3quarter trouser. We changed and went back to the sports ground. I was already there on the sports ground before deejarh and sultee arrived. We got on the football field,

"Everyone take your positions." I said looking at them, when I was in US i was always the couch and we stood up from where we were seated and we took our positions. I have  already chosen the ones to participate in it. I also love football with passion but since I am the captain, I can't play.

"I want you guys to focus, keep your eyes on the ball, you already know the rules of the game. " I  said and they nodded.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

"Yes captain." They chorused.

"Are we ready?" I asked, this time louder.

"Yes Captain," they chorused loudly.

"Are we ready?" I asked louder again.

"Yes Captain." Theychorused louder. "

"3,2,1 start"I said

Some minutes after we've start playing.

" Kick the ball well."I said to the fair girl kicking the ball as if she doesn't want to play.
"Passing." I said to another guy.

"That's good, excellento alaika". I said when the guy passed the ball.

"Focus, eyes on the ball." I said.

"Play harder." I said to another guy.

"Run and catch the ball."I said to the girl that was forming while playing.

"Lady with the blue cap." I called.

"increase speed, " I said.

"That's great, Bravo alaiki." I added.
The girl increased speed and passd the ball to me.

"Sultee,run to the right side." I said and she did immediately.

We kept playing, and I was couching them.

They were in the middle of playing when I noticed sultee not playing well.

"Sultee are you ok?" I asked

"Yes I am." She said and kept playing.

After about ten minutes,

"It's a goallllllllllllll. " They won, Sultee was the striker, I looked at her and she fell down, my heart came to a halt. I didn't know when my legs took me to where she was lying, unconsciously.

"Sultee are you ok? Wake up? Why aren't you saying anything?" I asked shaking her, my heart was beating fast,I could feel my heartbeat in my ears.

"Abdul, take over, you guys should continue with playing." I said as I took her and went to the school clinic.

"Nurse, please treat her, she just fell down and she's now unconci ous." I said to the nurse.

Ok wait outside." She said and I went outside and kept looking at her.

Sultana's P O V

I heard little noise and I heard two familiar voices. It is deejarh and Abdullah. They were talking about me.

"Abdullah I know you love sultee right from the start, you are just not able to show or prove it to her, when you hold someone close to your heart, you can do anything for them" I heard deejarh said.

'So Abdullah loves me, why didn't he tell me? Was he afraid I would reject him? Or there is a reason why he didn't let me know. Or is it because he is a newbie and I haven't know him well?'I kept imagining many things.

I opened my eyes after thinking for a while.  Abdullah was seated on the bed by my side and deejarh was seated on a car

" Bestie you are awake" deejarh asked coming close to me and I smiled.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I am good" I said even though I don't recall what happened, I opened my eyes and saw myself lying on the hospital bed.

"How are you feeling?" Abdullah asked me but I ignored him looking keenly at him and he did so.

"We aren't in a staring competition guys, " deejarh said being us back from our thoughts. I quickly diverted my eyes from him and so he did.

"What happened to me? How did I end up" I asked them because I can't recall what happened.

"You passed out." Deejarh said. " Ohhh I now remembered what happened." I said as I recollected what happened to me,


"Sports ground

"Football field



"Now everything make sense." I said.

"No worries, A girl came and told me everything that happened, I will file a complain by tomorrow and I will also take action." Abdullah said and I smiled.
He cared so much for me.

"No need for that, I will take care of him myself." I said to him and he eyed me.

" With which leg?" He said and that's when realization hit me that I dislocated my leg

"I am feeling good" I answered and the nurse knocked and came in.

" How are you feeling?" She asked me and I nodded and added with " great". " You can go back to class now, if you wish," the nurse said to me.

" What's the time now?" I asked no one in particular.

" 3:45" Abdullah responded.

"It's already closing time let's get you home the driver is here." Deejarh said.

We bid the nurse farewell and thanks and we went to the car, Abdullah got my stuff's and i bid him bye and deejarh too.
The driver went straight to the hospital with me, the school already informed her. I was taking to the beautiful hospital. She checked me and I had to use crotches for the mean time.  After the hospital we went back home together and she told us ( I, addah Maya and addah Afnan ) to get ready we are going to our family house. We always go there on a Thursday.

Heyyyy guyssss, who missed me 🥰 or is it sultee and Abdullah you guys missed but don't worry I missed you so very much byeeee.

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20th November,2022.

Love In Uniform: Last year in highschool✔️Where stories live. Discover now