chapter 4 ~ The chat

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  Abdullah's P O V

    Just in time, the bell ranged for break and deejarh came in.

"hey love what's up, you look pissed off." Sultee said trying to keep her literature note book inside her locker.

"who if not Mr. Julius, he kept advicing me, I should be a a good lady blah blah blah." She said scrunching her face and sultee smiled. He is lecturing you on behaviour. This is serious" sultee said with a chuckle.

"Yeah you that's a good one, you should  really try and be a good girl." I suprised them by involving myself in their conversation talking back to deejarh.

"Mr. For your information, i am a lady not a girl." She said keeping a straight face which I chuckled.

   " I too, i am not Mr. My name is Abdullah" I said.

"Whatever " she said.

" Save your rudeness to yourself." I said to her.

Before break is over, let's go to the canteen." Deejarh said to the girl I still don't know her name.

"glutton"I said walking past them.

"Amebo, who asked you?" She said.

"touched a nerve" he said raising one of his eye brow.

"Whatever" she replied and I left the class and they also tailed behind.


"hey deejarh, can we talk?" I called the dramatic girl.

"why not"Deejarh  said.

"Let's meet tomorrow, my ride is here, bye" deejarh said.

"Wait not now, I want to talk to you I don't know your name so I called deejarh." He said innocently and deejarh glared at him before leaving.

"Ok what's up." I said as deejarh left.

"Can I have your digits?" I asked politely with a smile.

"Yeah sure" she said as she called out the digits.

"thanks, can I walk you out?" I asked.

" yeah yeah." She said and she walked out the school.

Sultana's P O V
  I spotted our car outside, I entered, greet our driver and headed home. I got off the car when we arrived home. I went straight to my room knowing my mom isn't back. Entered my room, took off my uniform, took a long shower came out and dressed in a white body hug tucked into a baggy jeans. I picked my phone and switch on my data and messages kept trooping in. I surf through my chats, responded to them. Just then, an unknown number messaged me through whatsapp.  I opened the message and check the profile picture. It was Lionel Messi
Name - Capt. A
Digits - 08168227413
About - I don't take shit

   I responded to the message

Capt. A - Hi, Farha

"I viewed the message suprised, i am very well sure this guy doesn't know me and with the audacity he name me " wow"

Savage S - always have name, if you are not on my contact list

"I closed the whatsapp quickly entered the Muslim app name, I have it because of stuffs like this. Farha means happiness, thats a good one. I returned back to the chat and replied.

Capt. A -  Chill, you don't have to be rude. how are you farha?

Savage S - kindly disclose your identity and FYI I am doing great but you came and start to disturb my life.

Love In Uniform: Last year in highschool✔️Where stories live. Discover now