Chapter 8

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A/N: Thank you Dewdrop for helping me write this chapter and proofreading for me. - Cumulus <3

Chapter 8

Celestial's POV

We had a lunch break for an hour after the medical check-up. We spoke about silly things and got to know each other more like our favourite colours and favourite food and favourite pastimes. The Cardinal's favourite colour I found out is Ox-Blood red and his favourite food is Chinese. When he has free time, he likes to read. He told me about the library on the ground floor and that hardly anyone ever goes there so he likes to hide out and read there.

After coming back to his office he also tidied his desk and got a pen and paper ready to write his sermon for the ritual. I slide the paper over to my side of the desk and take the pen preparing to write. "So Cardinal, what would you like to say?" I asked him. He thinks for a moment before smiling and beginning.

"At the beginning of the ritual, the Papas will enter first, taking their seats by the altar. I will escort you down the aisle and place you in front of the altar before saying something along the lines of 'Welcome. This is a most joyous night for all of us as we are summoned for his unholy fiend. We are here for we believe in one god, Satan almighty. He is the uncreator of heaven and soul, he is the unvisable and the visable, and in his son begotten of father by whom all things shall be unmade, who for man and his damnation incarnated, rise up from hell, from sitteth on the left hand of his father from thence he shall come to judge, out of one substance, with Satan, whose kingdom shall haveth no end.' we will then do the blood draw and I'll draw the sigils on your body" he says effortlessly, his words sounding like poetry. The way his nose scrunched when trying to think of what to say or how the ritual would proceed or the way he tapped his fingers on the desk when he liked how something sounded, nodding to himself. He was a poetry incarnate.

"How does that sound Cara?" he looks at me expectantly nervously chewing on his bottom lip. "Cardinal, it's fantastic I didn't know you had such a way with words." I smile, patting his hands. "Is there anything else you would like for me to add for you?" grabbing a fresh piece of paper just in case. "Thank you, Amore, that will be great. Shall I start?" he says leaning back in his chair, when I nod signalling him to go ahead, he clears his throat and begins.

"The ritual will then end with me baptising you and binding you to the church, to Satan and to myself Amore. I will then say 'let us pray for our newest member of the clergy and the newest follower of Satan so that he may guide her as he does all of us. Our father, who art in hell, unhallowed be thy name. Cursed be the sons and daughters, of thine nemesis whom are to blame. Thy kingdom come, Nema.' then the clergy will bow and the Papas and I will escort you back down the aisle and I will take you to your room so you can change for the after party." he claps his hand happily with what I have written.

He looks around looking for something when he grabs a book off the shelf called 'Induction to the church of Ghost and devotion to Satan'. He flicks through a few pages before landing on it. He flicks through the paragraphs until he closes his eyes and frowns like he is upset by what he saw.

"Tesoro, I'm sorry I forgot." He said, giving me an apologetic look. "Forgot what Copia? What's wrong?" I say worried. "In order to be fully ready for the baptism, you have to go to confession. It's not like a confession you'd get at a regular church. This is a forsaken confession. You're encouraged to sin and get it all out in the open but there's a catch..." he says looking utterly defeated. "Copia, you're worrying me," I say grabbing his hand. "Terzo, Papa Emeritus III, is leading the confession today. He's the one who kissed your hand and invited you to his room. He's... promiscuous to say the least, I don't trust him to be alone with you". He says carefully trying to avoid insulting Papa too much.

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