Chapter 23

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A/N: Thank you for continuing to read this story. My ghouls and I are working on the next chapter already. - Cumulus <3

Chapter 23

Papa Emeritus IV POV

I knock on Imperator's door and wait anxiously outside. The longer it takes for her to let me in the more at risk Celestial and the ministry is at from the reign and wrath of Terzo. I finally lost what was left of my patience and just slammed the door open. Sister Imperator looked up from a pile of tissues in shock tears running down her face. She was a wreck.

Another wave of pure distraught washed over her and a loud sob echoed around the room, her head fell forward and her whole body shook with the force. "Sister? Are you ok?'' I ask concerned. "Nihil...I loved him and now he's gone and I... I don't think I can live without him." she chokes out her minimal makeup smudged her nose red. "Terzo killed him. He's back. He made a deal with the devil. To return and be Papa once more and continue the bloodline. To take Celestial as his prime mover. Because according to everyone else Nihil had no other heir. But we know differently do we not Sister?'' I state bluntly, eyebrow raised, fully overwhelmed and unwilling to mollycoddle her.

She gasps, her hand clutching her chest. "You're not wrong Copia. You are the rightful heir to the Papal title," she says looking anywhere but my eyes as if it wasn't obvious from those months back when I was beaten and the overheard conversations. "Well right now is no time to mourn Nihil. I know you loved him but right now my one true love is being held hostage and I need you to announce to Terzo and the clergy that I am your son." I say but choke back a sob at the mention of Celestial being in danger.

A tear rolls down my face, unable to hold back my emotions. The full realisation I could lose Celestial if this doesn't go to plan. Waves of intense and very difficult emotions, ranging from profound sadness, emptiness, and despair to shock, numbness, guilt, or regret. It's a kind of pain that you physically feel all over your body. Losing someone you love is the hardest thing in the world to deal with. It's suffering of the worst kind.

"You are my son. I lost my true love. I don't want you to suffer like I am. Like I have been for so long. Let us go and sort this out. She really is a nice girl Copia." She reaches her hand out to me which I take and I help her to stand before pulling her in for a hug. "Come on, we can't waste any more time." she pats my back awkwardly, pulling away and ushering me to the door. She turns to the PA system in the corner of her office and begins to speak and it echoes through the whole ministry. "Brothers and Sisters please make your way to the chapel. This is not optional. You have five minutes." She places the PA mic back down and we begin making our way to the chapel passing many brothers and sisters along the way who pass confused glances whispering to one another.

When we reached the chapel it was full of hushed whispers. Everyone looked nervous. Rumours clearly being spread and believed. Sister Imperator and I make our way to the altar and wait for everyone to quieten down. Finally the last of the brothers and sisters had entered and taken their seats. Before we had a chance to address the congregation, Terzo entered lavishly making a show as always pulling Celestial by the wrist, Sunshine and Aether following close behind.

Gasps and cries of shock echo around the chapel bouncing off the walls. Pure hysterics. He reaches us at the altar smirking before shoving a crying, finally conscious, Celestial to the Ghouls who catch her and hold her close. "I'm so happy to be back. To be your Papa once more!" he cheers to the clergy. Sister Imperator and I look at each other shocked and fearful. "To continue the bloodline. To have a prime mover. To be worshipped as I once was, that is what I want. That is what I deserve and you shall all grovel at my feet again." he says viciously.

Sister Imperator interrupts him by clearing her throat and walking to the centre all eyes drawn to her in an instant. "Not so fast Terzo. I have an announcement." She glares at him and he cowers slightly and rubs his neck nervously before regaining his charismatic composure and gesturing her to carry on not that she needed his permission.

"Some of you may have heard false truths about me over the years. While I do not know fully what has been said and I didn't plan to give you a full life story at this moment since we are all still grieving for Papa Nihil, for the safety and structure of this ministry, of the Ghost project, of the clergy, I have to be open with you all. I have been hiding a secret. For the last 40 years, I have hidden a secret from you all. Including Papa Nihil. If it wasn't obvious, I was in love with him. For me, he was my everything. My sun rose and set on him. The light of my life. But sometimes those feelings don't last. He cheated on me. A few weeks prior to that incident, I had found out I was pregnant." She says tears are forming in her eyes. The clergy are quiet showing their respect but you were unable to not see the pitying looks they had.

"You see Terzo..." she turns looking at him through glaring eyes "you were never a good Papa. sure you could sing. But you were never in it for the clergy or the people you were supposed to look after. You were only in it for yourself. Which is why you were murdered." The clergies' eyes widened at the truth but none of them denied it. I almost felt bad for Terzo as the glint in his eyes disappeared and a frown appeared on his face. Almost.

"That child I had conceived with Papa Nihil all those years ago, is actually here in this very room" Sister continues surveying the clergy who look around trying to figure out who it could possibly be. "Copia, step forward please," she asks turning to me and holding out her hand for me to take. "This man. My little Cardi. This is my son. This is the rightful heir to the Papal title. So Terzo that deal you made was nothing but a waste of our dark lord's most excellent power. And as the rightful Papa, he will continue the bloodline. Celestial, child, please come here" she says giving a gentle look to Celestial who is still cowered behind the Ghouls. Celestial slowly made her way over avoiding Terzo as she passed him before running over and holding me tightly. "I'm so proud of you I knew you could do it I never doubted you," she whispers in my ear and I squeeze her back my eyes tearing up.

"Papa Emeritus IV. Have you picked a prime mover, someone to bear the child who will carry on the legacy once you are past your prime and unable to fulfil your duties?" Imperator asks curtly. "I have. Celestial Wren Russo is to be my prime mover.'' I address the clergy and they all give warm, knowing smiles. I could never hide my feelings for Celestial well. I was almost surprised there were no rumours. "Celestial do you understand that by accepting this proposal you will be Papa's equal? You will be the reason the church and the Ghost project continue and the future will be in your hands and all success lies on you and the child you will birth from him?" Sister asks, taking Celestial's hand and squeezing gently. "I understand and I accept." Celestial turns smiling at me.

The clergy cheer standing to their feet and clapping. I'm so wrapped up in the overwhelming feeling that I get to have Celestial for the rest of my life, to have a family with her, to be happy, that I almost miss the sudden intake of breath and the loud groan coming from Terzo who had shockingly been quiet through the whole proclamation.

We turn and watch as he falls to his knees scratching his throat and neck as he struggles to breathe and his mouth begins to foam almost like a seizure. Just like that, it was over and he was dead once more. That didn't stop the ghouls and several clergy doctors checking though. For extra measure, his body was locked up with chains which had Satan's binding ensuring that even if he could come back he would be powerless.

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