Chapter 9

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A/N: Thank you Dewdrop for helping write this chapter I'm not gonna lie I was struggling. Thank you to my sweet Aether for proofreading for me. - Cumulus

Chapter 9

Celestial's POV

It had been a few days since I had my confession, we had gotten the blood results back quickly as the doctor had promised and it all came back normal. The day after, the Cardinal and I had been very busy getting everything sorted out for my baptism ritual. He had been sending me for a few hours each day to a ghoulette who was a skilled seamstress who was making me a gown I have to wear for the ritual.

Since Copia was the clergy member doing my ritual and the fact I was going to be his assistant, the gown had to be in his colours. Sunshine, the lovely ghoulette who was making my gown decided on a dark red sheer chiffon with black lace accents. It was Sunshine, who informed me I had to be fully nude under the gown. Something about being reborn and having to be as naked as the day you were born. I was a little embarrassed and insecure about my body so I did not focus too long on that conversation.

I had gotten to know her quite well during those visits. She asked me a lot of questions about my relationship with Copia. When I referred to him by his name and not his title she let out a gasp and informed me no one was to call a higher clergy member by their name as it was considered rude however Copia never said anything about it. He just always had this look of pure adoration when I did.

Sunshine had also made me the dress for the party that was happening after the ritual. I requested it to be an Ox-blood red as I knew the Cardinal favourited that colour and the stupid girl crush I had on him, had made me want to impress him and the jealous side of me wanted him to only focus on me.

The dress which Sunshine had made first, was a beautiful A-line dress that had a sweetheart neckline and fitted bodice and cascaded towards the floor. The red fitted bodice was adorned with black floral lace and small shiny black beads and dripped down to the waist where the red silk flowed to the floor and the trim of the dress had the same floral black lace and beads.

Sunshine patted my arm as I was looking in the mirror, admiring her handy work when she said "you're all done sweetheart. I'll have them delivered to your room so the Cardinal won't see them." she winked before going somewhere to call a ghoul to deliver the clothing to my room.

"Thank you sunshine you really are amazing" I smiled, pulling her into a hug which I think shocked her as I heard her take in a sharp breath. "I'm sorry did I offend you?" I say pulling back panicked. "No no... us ghouls and ghoulettes, we're here to serve, I'm not used to being thanked or having physical contact with anyone like that. I...Thank you, Celestial. I'll be attending your baptism cheering you on in the front row," she smiled pulling me back into the hug.

I had finally begun to learn my way around the church, it helped that I had drawn a map which Copia thought was an excellent idea. I had bumped into Terzo since my confession which mostly consisted of him sitting at the opposite end of the lunch table in the cafeteria and making kissy faces at the Cardinal and me and then laughing. Luckily the Cardinal didn't see it. Sister Imperator hasn't approached me since the meeting in her office, only giving a curt nod in passing. Which was better than nothing and better than being yelled at.

I returned back to the Cardinals office with two cups of coffee, he hasn't rested since that meeting with Imperator. Wanting to make sure everything is perfect which I do admire, but also makes me worry about his mental health. As I entered his office he was on the phone and gave me a panicked smile.

I place the coffee in front of him and place the other cup opposite and I take a seat waiting for him to finish. "Yes Sister, I understand. If it has to be done tonight, so be it. Yes. ok. Bye Sister." he says hanging up immediately, closing his eyes and rubbing his face. Clearly stressed.

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