Chapter 19

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A/N: We hope you enjoy this filler chapter. Feel free to comment and leave feedback. Thank you Dewdrop for proofreading for me - Cumulus <3

Chapter 19

Celestial's POV

It had been a few weeks since Papa Nihil announced Copia was becoming the new frontman for the Ghost project. He had been at band practice mostly whilst I focused on all the paperwork and calling venues to see if they could perform there and booking hotel rooms for the Ghouls and Copia. Sunshine was also travelling with us as she doesn't only make the outfits but I learned she does some backup vocals and keyboard and tambourine.

I'd finally booked the last venue and hotel room when Copia returned to his office. "Cara, how was your day? I'm sorry I couldn't be of service today. I am so exhausted." he sighs, flopping into his chair behind his desk. "Copia, it's ok I'm happy to help. How was practice? Is everyone packed and ready to go? All of the venues and hotel rooms have been booked I've just sent an update of the schedule to Papa Nihil and Sister Imperator for approval.'' I say placing the last of the paperwork in a neat pile on the edge of his desk.

"As far as I know everyone is packed. it was eventful. A bunch of mischievous Ghouls you can imagine it wasn't as smooth as it could have been but we got there eventually." He says yawning clearly exhausted as the new role had already begun to take its toll. "I hope you don't mind but to save on money I thought we could share a room when we were on tour... Is that ok?" I say standing and walking behind his chair and rubbing his shoulders. He relaxed, enjoying the contact. "Of course Amore, I wouldn't have it any other way." he looks up at me smiling.

"Why don't we grab some food and coffee from the cafeteria and head to your room you could use the rest?" I suggest gesturing to the door. He nods, taking my hand, standing, and walking us out of his office. "Would you mind if we took a detour? I want to show you somewhere?" he asks, leading me away from our originally planned path. I nod letting him guide me and we head outside. The street lamps were placed strategically down the path lighting up just enough so you could see but enough that it didn't wash out the stars in the sky and you could see every single one.

The path led into a small opening. A beautiful garden, full of different flowers and herbs scattered around with a small bench situated in the middle. The Cardinal led me over to the bench and we sat. "This is a beautiful Copia. I didn't know the ministry had a garden." I say looking around and taking in the scent of the flowers. "Primo, Papa I, he used to tend the garden after he retired, he did well, though now he's gone, I fear it will not be maintained." he frowned looking around. "Well even if it isn't, I'm glad I'm here with you it really is beautiful." I smile, grabbing his hand and placing it on my lap stroking the back with my thumb.

"Celestial Amore, I hope you know I plan on spending the rest of my life with you. There is no one else I could ever want in this world. I used to read a lot of books growing up. There is one paragraph from a book, The portrait of a lady by Henry James, that I think sums me up and our situation quite well. 'It has made me better loving you... it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I am really satisfied, because I can think of nothing better'. Being with you has changed me Celestial for the better. You have brought my life satisfaction, and love, and I can think of nothing better than having you for the rest of my life, however long that may be." Copia says, placing his hand on my cheek and pulling me in for a sweet and tender kiss. "I love you Copia," I say, kissing him once more. "And I love you, Cara. shall we grab that dinner? We will be leaving soon?" he asks, standing and offering his arm for me to take.

We made our way back inside which I was thankful for as the air had turned bitter and cold. We both got a plate of chicken and roasted vegetables and sat at the clergy table. Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil were there too but stopped their conversation when they saw Copia and I approach. "Good evening your dark excellency, Sister Imperator," I say curtsying to Papa and a small nod to the Sister who I still had a deep fiery hatred for.

"Ahh...Child, such a pleasure it is to see you. You have done good work for us lately. I am impressed." Papa Nihil smiles and nods, taking a puff of his oxygen. He has gotten frailer and frailer these last few weeks. It was a pity. "Yes Celestial good work indeed. I was just discussing the schedule you have created for this tour and hotel booking. Since you are here I will tell you both that you leave tonight with the Ghouls. The shows begin in two days and I want you to be ready. Papa Nihil will be performing at the first show with you Cardinal and he will build a report on the turnout and report back to me after." she nods curtly before turning back to her food and acting as if we don't exist.

"Very well Sister," I say and Copia and I make our way further down the table to eat hurriedly since we leave so soon. "High praise from Papa, you must feel very proud," Cardinal says in between bites. "It would be nice but I'm here to do my job. I don't need validation anymore." I say, eyes sparkling and for once happy. We finish the rest of our meal in comfortable silence. As we take our plates to the dishwasher, Sunshine comes barreling through the doors in giddy excitement. "We were informed we were leaving tonight! I'm so excited!" she grabs my hand and we jump up and down squealing together.

I hear Copia let out a laugh and he places his hands on our shoulders as we had begun to draw a lot of attention to ourselves. "Calm now ladies, Sunshine gather the Ghouls and your belongings and meet us out the front we should have a minivan waiting to drive us all to the airport." she nods eagerly running back out the door. "Come now Il mio unico vero amore" and he guides us to his room where all our bags had already been packed and left on the edge of the bed. He grabbed both of our bags before I had a chance and guided us to the door of the ministry where Sunshine had rangled all of the Ghouls together.

"Let's get this show on the road then," Copia says opening the door. "What about Papa Nihil?" I ask looking back to see if I had missed his presence. "He will meet us there. He has special travel since he's so sickly now," he says guiding me to the minivan and we all place our bags into the boot. The Chauffer opens the doors for us and we all pile in. The car starts and before I knew it we were on our way.

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