Chapter 13

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A/N: Sorry for the late update my fellow Ghouls and I had prior engagements but we are back! enjoy the chapter. Thank you Dewdrop for writing this chapter with me and proofreading it. - Cumulus <3

Chapter 13

Cardinal Copia's POV

It's still dark out when I wake up. The last thing I remember is Celestial helping me take off the jeans and making sure I relaxed. I struggle sitting up in bed. The slight movement causes throbbing pain in my ribs. Some of them were definitely cracked. I look over the end of the bed and see Celestial laying on the chaise longue her face in a frown, her body moving to try to get comfortable.

I carefully make my way down the bed and watch her sleep for a while. The moonlight washes over her in waves guiding me, calling me to her. As I reach the end of the bed the pain radiates over me causing me to let out a groan. In an instant Celestial is up looking frantically around the room. She stops and realises there is no danger before making her way to me and guiding me back to the spot I was resting earlier.

"Copia are you alright?" she asked, concern evident. "Amore, you saved me, you cleaned me up and you stayed with me?" I asked barely above a whisper. "I did," she whispers back stroking my head. I continue to look at her thanking Satan silently that he got our paths to cross.

"Would you like some painkillers? I think I saw some in the first aid kit" she looks at me intently scanning over my battered and bruised body. "No ill be ok. What would make me feel better is if you laid with me, Cara" I respond patting the space I had made for her looking at her expectantly. "Cardinal, you are hurt. What if I hurt you while I sleep? I already feel bad enough for everything that's happened to you since I arrived. I don't think I could live with myself if I caused you more pain" she whimpered. I reach my hands out for her which she cautiously accepts and I pull her to sit on the side of the bed. "I was so scared of Copia. Terrified. I thought... I thought I was going to lose you today. I thought I'd never see you again. And that thought terrifies me. I've grown to care for you so much these last weeks that it makes me insane. I have feelings for you that I don't even know what they are" she sobs out, all of her emotion that has been building up finally releasing. I pull her close to me and put my arm carefully around her shoulders and place her head in my neck. I can feel her tears running down my chest.

"Celestial, calm down, I'm not going anywhere. It'd take more than a beating to take me away from you. When I was growing up, I spent a lot of time in the library here. An older sister, Sister Dulux, I asked if she knew what love was and she said, 'little Cardi, sweet sweet child, love can not exist without fear, if the thought of losing someone does not scare you then it is not love' I didn't fully understand what she was going on about but now that I'm older, now that I am here with you, I understand her completely.'' I say and she's stopped crying but still sniffles.

I adjust her head so I can look into her eyes. I've noticed whenever I do look into her eyes, it's like I become hypnotised like they have caused me to fall into a light trance. Nobody but us exists. The eyes are the gateway to your heart and soul. I have always believed that. I remember when I first looked into Celestial's eyes, all I could see was darkness. Hurt. Pain. Loneliness. But now, whilst still, not fully alight, there is a small flicker of something.

"I love you too," I say, stroking her cheek with my thumb before pulling her close and placing the lightest of kisses against her lips. "I love you" she looks at me smiling bigger than she ever had before, "I love you" she repeats giggling finally coming to the realisation of her feelings.

"Copia, what will happen now? If the church doesn't have a Papa to look after it?" She asks laying back down and hugging me gently. "I don't know Amore, they might get a transfer," I tell her, stroking her back. "It's still late, do you want to sleep with me, Cara?" I ask her snuggling down into the pillows. She nods letting out a yawn and placing her arm over my waist. "I love you Celestial" I whisper, "I love you more sweet Copia" she kisses my side falling asleep almost instantly.

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