Chapter 14

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A/N: Thank you for reading I hope you are all enjoying it so far. Do not be afraid to leave comments, we do not bite unless we're asked ;) - Cumulus <3

Chapter 14

Celestial's POV

"How are you feeling my love?" I say stroking Copias face. "Like I've been beaten up," he says smirking with a cheeky glint in his eyes. I roll my eyes at his silly joke before sitting on his lap. He rests his hands on my hips stroking them with his thumbs and squeezing lightly. Just as I'm leaning in to kiss him, the door swings open causing me to panic and roll off Copia and onto the floor with a thud. Groaning, I sit up, looking around Copia is laughing, while Sunshine and Aether stand in the doorway but look far less amused.

Once he realises he's the only one laughing he looks to the two masked Ghouls before frowning. "What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost?" he asks flinching as he swings his legs over the side of the bed to sit on the edge of it, his legs still covered by the blanket. "We..well...I don't know how to word it. Tag your it" Sunshine says poking Aether's arm. "I'm sorry for intruding, we delivered the paperwork as you asked but, well, Sister Imperator was having a meeting as we arrived so we waited not wanting to interrupt, and we heard her conversation with another Ghoul," Aether said, rubbing the forehead of the mask clearly in distress.

"Aether, what could you have possibly heard that has made you and Sunshine so antsy?" I ask, walking over to them and pulling them to the chaise longue. They both sit looking at each other having a silent conversation with just their eyes. "Sister Imperator, she hired the ghoul to kill the Papa's. It's the same Ghoul who interrogated the Cardinal," he says, looking at Copia who had a deep frown set on his face. "There was one more thing" Sunshine interjected, clearly uncomfortable by the news she was withholding. "The ghoul mentioned Sister Imperator was the Cardinals mother," Sunshine said, my eyes widening, I couldn't hide the gasp that followed.

The Cardinal just sat there silent with his eyes closed. I couldn't believe what I had heard. If it was to be true that Sister Imperator was in fact Copias own flesh and blood, the fact that she let her son get beaten for her crime was appalling. I couldn't hide the rage I felt brewing inside me. Copia stood up and walked to his closet and picked out a black shirt and trousers with his black cassock and Brietta. "Copia, you are still injured, what are you doing?" I ask, grabbing the clothes from him and chucking them onto the bed.

"I have to speak to Sister Imperator" he sighs, looking pained not only physically but emotionally as well. "Is that a good idea? She doesn't know we know her secret. You could be killed!" I place my hands on his face forcing him to look at me trying to reason with him. He places his hands over mine. "I will not go alone. We will go together." he gives a small smile which does not reach his eyes as he pulls away to begin getting changed. "Aether would you mind giving the Cardinal a hand while Sunshine and I go to my room to get ready? We can meet you outside my room when you're done?" I ask and he bows, accepting.

Sunshine and I left hastily to my room. Sunshine begins searching through my closet while I head to the shower. Once I've finished I find her sitting at the vanity applying black lipstick under her mask, I look away respectfully finding the outfit she had chosen resting on my bed. It was a long sleeve maxi dress which she had paired with some black ballet flats. I get dressed quickly and Sunshine stands and guides me over to the chair. She dries my hair roughly and then braids it and twists it into a bun, pinning it in place. Not wanting to waste any time we head out the door just as Aether and the Cardinal arrive.

"Shall we make our way Cardinal?" I ask, holding my arm out to him to link with his own. He doesn't respond, only a quick nod of his head and arm linked with mine. We make our way through the halls silently. Once we arrive at Sister Imperator's office I stop and look at the Copia holding both his hands. "We are here with you. You are not alone." I say looking up at him. He smiles slightly nodding before turning and knocking on the door.

"Enter!" we hear from inside. Copia opens the door entering first whilst the Ghouls and I follow afterwards. "Ah...Cardinal and Celestial, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she says, barely glancing up from the paperwork on her desk. "Sister, it has come to my attention that you are keeping many secrets not only from the clergy but Papa Nihil as well," Copia says standing tall hands behind his back.

"Whatever are you talking about, Cardinal?" Sister Imperator says looking up at him with fake offence. "You know what I'm talking about Sister do not act coy now" he responds losing his calm persona. "You had the Papa's killed. Why? What is your plan?" he asks almost in a growl. She frowns, thinking of her next words carefully. "We have a new mission now, Cardinal," she smirks. "We are putting you and your assistant to the test. Papa Nihil and I have already discussed it. You are to both plan a memorial concert for the three fallen Papa's. It means, watching the doctor prepare their bodies, take promotional photos, and perform the songs." her smirk grows further. The Cardinal and I looked at each other in shock.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" he asked, his voice strained and more confused than when he entered a few minutes earlier. "Depending on your success, there are talks of you becoming the next Papa of this church," she says getting back to her paperwork. The Cardinal pales looking as if he was going to throw up. "You can leave now. There is much to be planned, Cardinal," she says waving us all out with a flick of her wrist.

We make our way out into the hall in shock, none of us quite knowing what had just happened. All of our jaws still dropped, and we made our way to the Cardinal's office. The walk felt like it had passed in a blur. Memorial concert? Observe the bodies preparation. Promotional photos? Sing? Was this some kind of sick joke? Once we enter Copia's office we all take a seat, none of us quite sure what to say. Luckily Copia struck up the courage to start a conversation.

"What... what the fuck just happened?" he asked looking confused, my eyes widened not used to hearing such profanity from him. "Sounds like she didn't confirm or deny her involvement in the deaths of the Papa's and that she wants to make a spectacle out of it?" Aether also says, sounding confused, his eyes furrowing under his mask. "We didn't ask her about her being your mother," Sunshine says. "I've gone my whole life not knowing or having a mother. I can go a while longer" Copia says, placing his hands on his desk and looking down.

"I guess we should get started on the planning. The quicker it's done the quicker it's over" I say looking to the Cardinal who nods meekly. What the hell has just happened?

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