Chapter 18

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A/N: My fellow Ghouls and I would like to apologise for making you wait so long for some spice. Thank you for being patient, we hope you enjoy this chapter. Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you Dewdrop and Cirrus for proofreading and helping me write this one. - Cumulus <3

Chapter 18

Celestial's POV

I was sitting in the front row of the ballroom which had been turned into a makeshift concert hall. Copia makes his way up to the stage and I am utterly transfixed. I knew he was nervous but he didn't look it right now, his movements were confident and fluid.

"Good evening!" he shouts into the microphone and everyone begins to cheer loudly, clearly enjoying this side of Copia. "We are all here to celebrate life!" he yells everyone's cheering getting louder. "Let us begin sì?" He speaks walking up and down the stage. Everyone begins to cheer once more as the beginning of Ritual begins to play.

As the music builds he begins to clap, everyone in the audience following and clapping and some even jumping up and down. This new side to the Cardinal was very attractive. The fact he didn't know how much of a sway and hold he had on these people, was very attractive.

He danced with the Ghouls and slapped their bums in a bantering sort of way causing some of the clergy to go feral. They adored him. They make their way through all the songs until they land on the one Copia refused to let me hear them perform, Cirice.

The song began and it was haunting. I could feel it travel through me taking me over as if I was in some sort of trance. The lights flashed and Copia reappeared by the drums walking towards centre stage and placing the microphone into its stand and began singing.

It gets to the chorus and the music slows slightly as he grabs the mic stand and begins to caress it as if it were a person. His hands run up and down the length of it and his hips gyrating up against it. He turns and walks to Dew who was on stage playing with him and begins to dance proactively together. His eyes catch mine as the chorus comes around once more and his eyes are dark and lust-filled. He gets on his hands and knees and begins crawling towards me so sensually my breath hitches.

He stops when he's at the edge of the stage and holds his hand out for me, gesturing to take it. The clergy cheers louder as I'm sure they've seen this performance before when the other Papa's did it. As this was a whole new experience for me I had no clue as to what was happening even when some of the brothers and sisters yelled 'She's getting Ciriced!'. I hold his hand and it's like time had stopped dead in its tracks. I couldn't hear or see the other clergy members anymore; it was just me and Copia.

"I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart, I can see through the scars inside you, I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart, I can see through the scars inside you..." he sang it to me looking me directly in the eyes, my heart thumping against my chest, skin flushed, it got worse when he pulled my hand to his lips and placed a delicate kiss on my knuckles. He moved away, standing to his feet and went over to the centre and finished off the song but I was too dazed and turned on to register what was happening.

My trance was broken as cheering got louder around me, I looked to the stage to see Papa Nihil making his to centre stage where the Cardinal handed him a microphone.

"Thank you all for coming to pay your respects to my sons. We should not dwell on the past. We should all focus on our future. I have news for you all. It has been decided, Cardinal Copia will take over and become the new frontman for the Ghost Project. He will have twenty tour dates and will begin in a week." Papa Nihil says and I look to Copia who looks just as shocked as everyone else, gasps being heard all around us.

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