Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you Dewdrop for letting me send you rambling story ideas and piecing them together for me I'm proud of this chapter we have created. Thank you for proofreading for me as well - Cumulus <3

Chapter 12

Sister Imperator's POV

"It is time Papa, after everything that has happened the last couple of weeks, the brothers and sister have begun to doubt your progeny, especially after the Terzo fiasco. It has to be done now." I say fist banging on my desk to put emphasis on my point. "But seestor, why can't I have a go again?" Papa Nihil pouted. "Did you really just ask me that? Do you not remember what happened last time?!" I yelled with overwhelming emotions. I still remember the day clearly. Somewhere in the late sixties and early seventies, Papa Nihil's EP Seven inches of Satanic panic was released and he began to tour.

He was on stage performing his second song, Kiss the go-goat, and I stood on the balcony watching. I was so proud. At the time, I was pregnant but I never had the chance to tell Papa. He finished his song, kneeling down on the stage and kissing several women in the crowd and I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I placed my hand on my stomach, tearing up before turning and running. I left the ministry for nearly a year. Hiding from papa and hiding our baby. The baby grew up to be a smart but shy man. I didn't raise him at the risk of Papa finding out. But I was around him as was papa as he was raised by the church. Papa was none the wiser about who the child was. Obviously, I knew and it broke my heart that the child could never know I was his mother and that Nihil was his father but it is the way things happened.

It was never the same with Papa Nihil after that night and the time I took away from the ministry. I still loved him but I could never forgive him. I loved my child but I could never tell him the truth about me being his mother. I live with that pain every day.

I snapped out of my thoughts looking at Papa who was holding his oxygen mask to his face. "We have a new mission now Papa, it's time," I say standing and walking towards the door. "Where are they, Sister?" Papa Nihil asks, standing and wheeling his oxygen tank beside him as he follows me out of the door and to the meeting room. "In here Papa." I gesture to the door knocking loudly before entering.

The three Papas looked up from their Uno card game shocked they were in casual clothes and not in their papal makeup. "Boys. you're being reinstated! You're going back on the road! You're going back in full regalia. You're going to be back in the spotlight. Forever. See you later boys." I smile sinisterly before closing the door. "Come now Papa let's get some lunch" I pat Papa Nihil's arm as he nods before walking towards the cafeteria.

I turn back slightly, nodding towards the three ghouls who had approached before turning back and following Papa Nihil.

Nameless Ghoul POV

We stood hidden in the shadows. We were told about what was to happen tonight. We were ordered to kill Terzo as he was the reigning Papa, but we were told to leave no witnesses. It was a shame as we were quite fond of the other Papa's but they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

We had spent the morning grinding all of the Potassium Chloride and creating an injectable liquid. Once administered, potassium chloride should cause cardiac arrest and death within a minute of injection. It is excruciatingly painful if administered without proper anaesthesia. When injected into a vein, it inflames the potassium ions in the sensory nerve fibres, literally burning up the veins as it travels to the heart. We didn't have any anaesthesia to make it less painful for them. In fact, we were told specifically not to give them anaesthesia.

Our job isn't to question why. Our job is to do as we're told and serve. We waited, all three of us, patiently waiting for the signal to go in and do our job. I was the first to spot Sister Imperator, close the door and turn, giving the nod signal.

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