Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi. This is my first story. I am not writing it alone. With the help of my other ghouls, we will be publishing monthly chapters. I will always give them credit for the chapters they write and proofread. I hope you all enjoy the story. It's a slow starter but it will get better I promise.- Cumulus and thank you, Cirrus, Dew and Aether for proofreading for me <3

Chapter 1

POV Celestial

Leaving home after graduation was a form of self-protection. There was no other way to accomplish it, or to give me a chance to recover. When things like that happen it is not a choice but a duty. I have never been particularly smart and I never had many skills. I needed a change.

A chance to start again and prove not only to others but to myself what I am worth. One of my favorite things to do in my spare time was to read. Knowing useless facts and living through characters in books was a great escape.

The old library in the center of town had a few tall walls of ancient volumes, although most of them were for decoration since no one ever read them.

It was spending so much time in this library that I found a few books on the history of my town and about the strange church hidden in the forest.

The books didn't go into too much detail as everyone wanted to avoid the place, but they made it sound like the church appeared out of nowhere overnight and that it wasn't a normal church, that it was satanic, performing unearthly rituals and the teachings were not welcome in the town and members of the council had tried to burn it down many times throughout the years without success.

I know curiosity killed the cat, but exploring this church and maybe finding a place where I finally fit in felt a lot better than staying here that's why I made it my plan to find it after graduation.

The church stood in an almost composed fashion as if it had chosen solitude for itself and all who reside within and as if the people outside of the gates were a luxury it could forgo.

The Tiled path leading to the massive doors at the center looked like they had been a highly polished parquet, with individual blocks lovingly placed and sanded to a smooth finish before the varnish was brushed over the top with a fine bristle brush.

The walls stood firm and tall with strong window frames adorned with stained glass in various patterns and symbols. All-in-all it looked like it had been crafted by Satan himself, not by the hands of mere humans. It felt as if it was calling to me inviting me in like a whisper in the wind.

The church was located deep within a forest. Upon the forest floor lie trees that had fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons around here are supernaturally harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them beautiful still.

The twisting patterns on the wood and moss remind me of the ripples of the river I passed on my way to finding the church.

I lean my head back, my brunette locks falling down my back as I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath and smell the scent of pine in the air. Bird song comes in lulls and bursts. The overwhelming silence and light singing work together as well as an improvised melody.

A small smile makes its way to my freckled face, rose-pink lips semi-illuminated by the dappled light. Before I can register what I am doing, my body seemingly on autopilot, I walked through the gates and up the stairs to the church door. A chance to start fresh.

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