The Dark Lord of the Shadows/Makuta Teridax Bio:

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Name: The Dark Lord of the Shadows/Makuta Teridax

Age: millions of years old 

Eye colour: red

Gender: male

Race: entity

Biography: An ancient, legendary, evil entity of darkness said to be the strongest, mightiest, most powerful being in all existence throughout the Universe. Like the Inheritor, it is said that he knows all and sees all that goes on in the Universe. Though the Dark Lord of the Shadows goes by many names, his real name is Makuta Teridax. 

Back then, when The Inheritor created the Universe, Teridax was once a Great Being alongside The Inheritor, and his brother, Mata Nui, but his ambition for ultimate power led him to betrayal. And thus, he took on a quest to conquer the Universe. After his brother, Mata Nui, defeated him on Bara Magna, Teridax came to learn about the Keyblade. 

He sensed its power and somehow came to wield a Keyblade of his own. Now, he is reborn into a powerful being of supreme evil. While The Inheritor believes that all living creatures are born to live in freedom and peace, Teridax views himself as a Titan/God to be feared and worshipped and that all creatures should be made his slaves. 

Thus, he has made it his mission to seek control over the ancient power of Kingdom Hearts and the X-blade in his ultimate ambition to conquer the Universe and enslave all living creatures.

What lies in his soul is Pure Evil, Hunger, Destruction, Domination, Ultimate Power, Darkness, Vengeance and Fear.

His Keyblade is known as Harbinger of Shadows, the most powerful Keyblade of Darkness. This Dark Keyblade was predominantly black and red. The blade was long, slim and extravagant with traces of black flesh on it. The teeth are diamond-shaped spikes that are connected by a black web structure. The shaft of the blade is a skull-shaped face in the middle with a menacing red eye of darkness with a black slit pupil situated just above the hilt. The Keyblade had a spiky, black guard with two crystalline demonic wings on its sides. The hilt was smooth and black. On the bottom of the black hilt of the Keyblade was a red oval glowing crystal gem. Its chain was very square and scary looking with four spikes on each side on each chain. The Keychain was shaped like a dark black flaming red eye with a black slit pupil. The Dark Keyblade also had evil twisted glowing red markings all over its teeth and blade. Both he and Lord Thanatos wield this Dark Keyblade (Modeled after the Cursed Sword: Soul Edge from the Soul Calibur Series).

Teridax has a muscular, well-developed physique, standing 8" feet tall in length. His body was of metal, bone, flesh, and dark energy. His head was a black devilish skull with his flaming, demonic eyes of pure evil, no nose, and a glowing red mouth full of sharp teeth. His hands were five-digit bony claws with glowing black-red evil energy on the back. Red dark energy, which stemmed from his evil heart, pulsed throughout his entire body like a heartbeat, seen through his veins. And his entire being radiated with a black aura of pure darkness, draining the light around him and creating waves of distortion in reality.

The Dark Lord was mostly clad in heavy black, red, gold armor, wearing a ribbed black-red skeletal chest plate with a dull blood-red section covering his torso and abdomen with a black-red crystal diamond spike in the center of a dark circular space, three curved, segmented gold plates going from large to small on his upper shoulders, gold pauldrons with black demonic skulls with ruby eyes built into them, gold armlets with black chains wrapped around them, and five-toed, knee-length, gold talon grieves on his feet. Over his head, Teridax wears a long black hood with the center shaped to resemble an eagle's beak, which is connected by rectangular silver chains to his armor, and a long, floor-length, tattered black cape. The Dark Lord also wears a black, spiked, square chain belt and a long, scaled fauld around his waist with a thick drape of black cloth lined vertically with a combination of ancient symbols such as the Roman numeral XIII at the top center, the Greek symbols of Alpha (α), Omega (Ω), Lambda (Λ), Sigma (Σ), Psi (Ψ) on the left, the Kanji symbols of Chaos (混), Death (死), Corruption (腐), Hunger (饿), Vengeance (復) in the center, and the Hebrew symbols of Darkness (חוֹשֶׁך), Power (כּוֹחַ), Fear (פַּחַד), Void (בָּטֵל), and Primordial (רֵאשִׁיתִי) on the right. There is also ancient runes and glyphs of unknown origin that lined the sides of the cloth vertically in ten small grey squares. Each of these symbols were black red in color with a glowing red outline.

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