Darkus Bio:

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Name: Darkus

Age: unknown

Hair colour: black 

Eye colour: red with black sclera  

Gender: male

Race: Heartless

Biography: An evil manifestation of the darkness born from the depths of Devon's heart. He is a Heartless created around the same time as Draxon, Devon's Nobody, when Devon sacrificed himself to free Kairi's heart, which resided in both him and Sora. 

But before Darkus could assume his form, The Inheritor intervened and restored Devon's body, while he was banished into the deepest pit of his progenitor's soul. 

During Kingdom Hearts: Speed of Time and Paths of Destiny, Darkus sometimes takes control over Devon through the fear and despair he felt, creating a mask of darkness that looks like a Grimm. 

During his Mark of Mastery Exam, Devon fought against Darkus in an epic battle for control over his heart and ultimately won, using his newly acquired Double Form to defeat him

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During his Mark of Mastery Exam, Devon fought against Darkus in an epic battle for control over his heart and ultimately won, using his newly acquired Double Form to defeat him. 

Darkus was then absorbed back into Devon's body, thus restoring his heart into balance and giving the Keyblade Master even more control over Light and Darkness.

Darkus had deathly pale skin with black-red veins clearly visible running throughout his face and body. His eyes, which were set within deep, eye sockets, had a black sclera with luminous, flaming red pupils around a narrow, black slit iris. His entire face was scarred, likely from a deadly explosion, and a deep, slashed scar went diagonally upwards from right to left across his right-eye.

Darkus' attire consisted of a skin-tight black bodysuit, a dark gray vest of six-ribbed, flexible armor plates on both sides of his body with a high metal collar protecting the rear and sides of the neck, gray shoulder pieces with black dragon faces built into them, two leather belts around his waist, bracers and knee-length boots with chains on them, and five-digit clawed gauntlets with a glowing red eye in the back of his palms. Embedded on his chest was a blood-red diamond crystal gem, which glowed with an evil aura. Inside the gem was a black-red core, swirling with torrents of dark energy, and bolts of red, purple, and dark blue lightning, which crackled and danced around erratically.

What lies in his soul is Corruption, Pure Evil, and Chaos.

As he is Devon's Heartless, Darkus possesses the same abilities and skill as his progenitor. He also wields a Keyblade of his own called: Dark Revenant.

Dark Revenant has a long, wide, black-red crystalline double-edged blade with traces of black flesh, a sharp tip, and red glowing symbols along the sides that had a black outline. These symbols were Kanji for Chaos (混), Death (死), Corruption (腐), Power (量), Hunger (饿), Vengeance (復), Fear (害), and Darkness (黑). Running up the length of the blade is red fiery evil energy. The teeth of the Keyblade resembled a battle axe split into three claw-like protrusions. Several twisting, red patterns adorned the shaft, head, and teeth of the Keyblade. A skull-like form is situated above the hilt with a large red eye of darkness just above it and two outstretched, upward-pointing, spikey demonic wings make up the rainguard of the blade. The guard was rectangular with eight spikes on both sides. The entire Keyblade is surrounded by a black-red aura of darkness. And the keychain is a black charm with another eye of darkness upon it. This evil weapon is a combination of The Harbinger of Shadows and The Gazing Eye.

Darkus is a powerful, deadly, exceptionally skilled Keyblade Wielder of Darkness and is Devon's exact equal. Darkus has a Heartless form like the Deadly Organization members. 

Heartless form: 

Darkus is voiced by Euan Morton, the voice of the male Sith Inquisitor from the MMOG Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Darkus is voiced by Euan Morton, the voice of the male Sith Inquisitor from the MMOG Star Wars: The Old Republic.

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