The Inheritor Bio:

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Name: The Inheritor 

Age: millions of years old (looks mid forties) 

Hair colour: brown 

Eye colour: blue 

Gender: male

Race: entity 

Biography: A wise, ancient, legendary, pure mystical entity of Light said to be the wisest and most powerful being and Keyblade Master in existence throughout the Universe. It is said that he knows all and sees all that goes on in the Universe.

What lies in his soul is Ancient Wisdom, Justice, Guidance, Peace, and Righteousness.

It is said that he created the Universe and made it as it is today and gave life to countless worlds as well as its inhabitants. It is also said that The Inheritor was the very first Keyblade Wielder brought into existence.

The Inheritor has soothing blue eyes and long brown hair. He also sported a short brown mustache and stubble beard. He wears a white, light blue lined haori robe that has a hood and ancient blue runic glyph markings. Underneath his robe, he wears a black shirt and black pants.

In his Keyblade Armor, The Inheritor wears silver armor that has a white cape with ancient blue glyph markings on it. His torso is covered of dull, faded blue armor that sports a small Silver Mark of Mastery symbol in its center. The rest of the armor on his arms, legs, and chest are predominantly silver and light blue. His pointed, armored boots are black and light blue and his upper arms, and his thighs have wide, supplementary armor with blue edges covering them. His hands and neck are covered by a black material. He also wore a silver, dark-visored helmet with jagged teeth and a four-sided clear crystal star adorning his forehead. It also had two prongs on the side shaped like angel wings, pointed backwards and angled diagonally upward.

His Keyblade is The Ark of Everlasting Light, one of the most powerful Keyblades of Light next to Devon's Keyblade: Soul Calibur. The Keyblade had a long, extravagant blade made of polished silver metal. The shaft of the Keyblade was a glowing blue section of pure energy going up the blade, and ending at its tip, constantly emitting an aura of blue light. The teeth of the blade were a silver crown with diamond-shaped spikes. The hilt was smooth and black, surrounded by rounded, rectangular guard made of an ornate filigree pattern in a wing-like shape. The guard was predominantly silver, but fades into a blue color at the base of the blade. In the top of the hilt was a round, sparkling diamond crystal that glinted with colors of the rainbow. The Keychain was a white glowing crystal star.

Both he and The Dark Lord of the Shadows took part in The Keyblade War, an ancient battle where he, The Dark Lord, and the Forces of Light and Darkness clashed sides for control of Kingdom Hearts and the Universe. By the end of the Keyblade War, he and a group of Keyblade Wielders who survived as well as followers, heroes, and powerful warriors sworn to protect the Universe from The Dark Lord of the Shadows and the Forces of Darkness.

The Inheritor bears many titles: The All-Father of Life, The Bright Lord, Father God, The Holy God, The Creator, Archangel of Light, The Divine Protector, etc.

He acts as a guide for Devon and his friends on their journey to save the Universe from the Dark Lord of the Shadows and the Forces of Darkness and he is not afraid to protect those under his care.

As a Mystical Entity of Light, The Inheritor has many powers at his disposal. He can move at lightning speeds. Jump high long distances. Lift objects a billion times his size. Manipulate objects through sheer willpower. He is impervious to sub-zero temperatures and can withstand intense heat. He can freeze a creature in near-permanent stasis through eye contact or by force of will. Can change the appearance of the stars in the night sky. He can listen to the hearts of other beings. And finally, he can soothe the soul of any being. The Inheritor's power is so great that he constantly radiates with light and pure soothing energy enveloping his being.

For voice reference, The Inheritor is voiced by Jonathan Adams, the voice of Tyrael in Diablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls.

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