Kingdom Hearts saga: opening

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Author: There say darkness prevails and light expires. But some also say there's more to light than meets the eyes. Which part you take is up to you, but it's how you control or use them for either good or evil that counts. 

(0:47 to 1:00) 

The opening begins in the World of Bionicle, on the Okoto, we see Makuta when he was a Mask Maker in his forge. He looked up outside the window to see the symbol of Kingdom Hearts in the night sky. 

Makuta stared in awe with a desire to claim Kingdom Hearts for his own gain before he grabbed his hammer and started making the Mask of Ultimate Power. As the hammer hits the mask, the images of Lord Thanatos, Malus, Master Xehanort, Demiz/Hazama, Vanitas, and Malicia were flashing.  

(1:01 to 1:22) 

The scene changes to the worlds of the Celestial Realm, Divine Kingdom, Noble Palace, and Land of Departure being invaded by the forces of darkness lead by Lord Thanatos, Malus, Master Xehanort, Mortem, Hilda, Demiz/Hazama, Vanitas, and Malicia. 

Devon (when he was five), Ducar, Shara, Terra, Draco, Ventus, Aria, Astra, Aqua, and Jin arrived to see the chaos and destruction of their worlds while dark mists circles around. 

Three mists went inside Ducar, Terra and Draco which corrupted them into Lord Drazor, Terranort, and Malos-Draco while two sweep Aqua and Jin away in the darkness while three more destroyed Aria, Ventus, and Astra. 

(1:23 to 1:47) 

Shara looked around before she turned to Lord Drazor who stabbed her with his Keyblade, she placed her hand to his helmet in tears before she died. Devon was horrified after losing everything before he had fallen into the dark ocean of the Celestial Realm. 

The scene changes to the worlds of Destiny Islands, Requiem City, and Shine City as Sora, Ky, and Noel looked at their friends Riku, Kairi, Nex, Pax, Grif, Luke, and Stella as they run around having fun at their own worlds. 

The scene changes back to Makuta slamming his hammer which made the images of Ansem, Zervik, Rixla, and Faust flashed. 

(1:48 to 2:11) 

The worlds of Destiny Islands, Requiem City, and Shine City began to fall to darkness as Ky, Noel, and Sora looked at Riku, Pax and Nex but Ansem, Zervik, Kaos, Rixla, Pavor, Odium, and Faust took their place with evil looks. 

Sora, Ky, and Noel were flung up in the air as they tried to grab Grif, Kairi, Luke, and Stella, but failed and got separated. 

The camera goes back to Makuta who continued making the Mask of Ultimate Power as his purple eyes changed color to dark red. 

(2:12 to 2:34) 

The scene changes to Roxas, Draxon, and Xyk at the clock tower of Twilight Town with Axel, Nixa, Jinux, Xaria, and Xion having their ice-cream together. 

The scene changes back to Makuta slamming his hammer which made the images of the Dark Echo, Xemnas, Reacas, Narasix, and Xusmal flashed. 

The camera goes back to Twilight Town as Draxon looks up and saw dark clouds forming. He looks around and saw his friends gone while Xion was standing there which made Draxon run towards her. 

Suddenly, Xion disappears in gold light as Draxon had a sea shell in his hand which before he yells in sadness, despair, and anger while the Dark Echo was levitating above him and Xemnas, Narasix, Xusmal, and Reacas walked passed them. 

(2:35 to 2:59) 

The scene changes to Arcturus and Cronos at Future City when it was raining in the middle of night as they summoned their Keyblades, dashed towards with the Speed-Force before they clashed with blue and red lightning sparks in the clash. 

The scene changes again to the Inheritor, Vervada, Mata Nui, Ekimu, Ashborn, Aptus, Blademus Prime, Ignitus, and Master Yen Sid at the Celestial Archive as the Inheritor opens his hand, revealing a blue orb of light which flies out. 

The blue orb heads towards Devon as he reached out his hand towards it. The orb engulfs Devon as he becomes an adult or known as the Legendary Keyblade Master before he summoned his Keyblade Soul Calibur and did a vertical slash which cuts through the darkness.

(3:00 to 3:23) 

The scene changes to every character from Roxas, Draxon, Xyk, Axel, Nixa, Xion, Xaria, Draco, Terra, Aqua, Jin, Ventus, Astra, Aria, Grif, Nex, Pax, Noel, Ky, Jayden, Arcturus, Kion, Riku, Kairi, and Sora. As a door of light opens which made them walk towards it. 

The background changes to Devon at a dark arena as he charges at Blood-Red Commander Igris who charged swung his sword at him, but he blocked it before he pushed him back. 

He turned to see Karalgan who unleashed a massive beam of fire from his mouth at Devon who jumped to avoid it and saw Barca who jumped and tried to attack him with his dagger, but he did a blue light crescent slash. 

Devon jumped higher as his Keyblade clashed with the Ant King's arm before they moved back as darkness surrounds the Ant King and Darkus took his place while wielding his dark Keyblade. Devon then unleashes a beam of blue light which pierced through Darkus. 

(3:24 to 3:47) 

The scene changes to Devon at the Celestial Realm with Luna in her human form as they both run to each other before dark blue lightning crackle as the Celestial Realm became Hellish Realm. 

The camera moves back to Makuta who finished making the Mask of Ultimate Power as he puts it on before the currently Makuta known as the Dark Lord of the Shadows takes his place. 

The scene changes to Devon and Luna at the Keyblade Graveyard as the Dark Lord's generals and the Monarchs appeared through dark corridors, surrounding them. In front of them at the rocky formations are Makuta Teridax, Lord Thanatos, Lord Drazor, Ragnarok and Eclipse. 

Ragnarok and Eclipse take flight and fire their dark fiery blasts toward Devon and Luna, but Spyro, Cynder, Leonidas, and Toothless came and unleashed their own blasts which collided and made an explosion. Spyro, Cynder, Leonidas, the Viking Teens and their dragons joined Devon and Luna. 

Lord Drazor unleashed dark blue lightning bolts from his hands towards the group, but Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, and Laxus came and unleashed their breathe attacks as the Fairy Tail and the Edens Zero group came to their side. 

Lord Thanatos appeared behind them with his Keyblade of darkness readied but he was pushed back by the Inheritor and Pyra/Mythra/Pnuema. 

(3:48 to 4:10) 

With them were Vervada, Astro Bot, Nia, Dromarch, Tora, Poppi, Morag, Brighid, Zeke, Pandoria, Lumina, Solar, Jayden, Kion, Derrick, Arc, and Team RWBY along with Sora's, Ky's, and Noel's teams. 

The Celestial Guardians prepared themselves to face the Dark Order. Makuta summons his Keyblade, the Harbinger of Shadows as Malus, Demiz, the Brotherhood of Disharmony and Organization XIII appeared behind their master while Lord Thanatos and Lord Drazor stood by his sides. 

Both Devon and the Dark Lord jumped and clashed their Keyblades together which caused a powerful blast of light and darkness, revealing Kingdom Hearts in the sky. 

Soon, the scene changes to the Master of Masters reading the book of prophecies back at Daybreak town.  

(4:11 to 4:31) 

The opening finally ends with Devon at The Final World with his Keyblade stabbed onto the water. Soon, Luna, Spyro, Cynder, Leonidas, Lumina, Solar, Pyra/Mythra/Pnuema, Astro Bot, the Viking Teens and their dragons, the Fairy Tail guild, the Edens Zero crew, Nia, Dromarch, Tora, Poppi, Morag, Brighid, Zeke, Pandoria, Lumina, Solar, Jayden, Kion, Derrick, Arc, Team RWBY, Sora, Ky, Noel, Donald, Goofy, Elena, Ken, Nex, Pax, Riku, Mickey, Oswald, Kairi, Grif, Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Aria, Shara, Ducar, Roxas, Draxon, Xyk, Xion, Xaria, Axel, Nixa, the Inheritor, Vervada, and Devon's Shadow Army appeared alongside him.

Done! I hope you guys like what I did with the opening. Let me know what you guys think at the comments below. Peace out and enjoy!

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