Lumina Bio:

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Name: Lumina

Age: 22 

Hair colour: brown 

Eye colour: blue 

Gender: female 

Race: human 

Family members: Shara (mother), Ducar (father), Vholran (older brother), Devon (younger brother), Precht/Hades (grandfather: father's side), Drego Fireheart (uncle), Mileena (aunt), Derrick Fireheart (cousin), Drago Fireheart (grandfather: mother's side), and Freya the first (grandmother: mother's side).

Likes: Her brother, her family, her friends, training, helping people, Fairy Tail, having fun, making new friends, and exploring other worlds. 

Dislikes: perverts, rapists, racists, The Dark Lord of the Shadows, Lord Thanatos, traitors, being lied to, the Dark Order, monsters, villains, and seeing her friends hurt.

Love Interest: Arcturus Farron 


Biography: A young woman who is full of compassion and hope

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Biography: A young woman who is full of compassion and hope. After being separated from Devon during the destruction of the Celestial Realm, she has been taken by the Inheritor to the Celestial Temple. She spent the last eleven ears training under his guidance until she'll reunite with her little brother.

During Kingdom Hearts: Heroes of Light Lumina will meet Devon after the huge Heartless battle at Hollow Bastion. And unlike Devon who wields Dragon Slayer Magic, Lumina can wield God Slayer Magic and has a god form like him and their father too.

Keyblade: Gravity of Heaven 

God Slayer Magic: Flame, Water, Sky, Lighting, Ice, Earth, and Light

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God Slayer Magic: Flame, Water, Sky, Lighting, Ice, Earth, and Light.

God form: 

For voice reference, Lumina is voiced by Dawn M

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For voice reference, Lumina is voiced by Dawn M. Bennet, the voice of Sash Lilac from Planet Freedom. 

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