Kilmaria Bio:

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Name: Kilmaria

Age: unknown

Hair color: black

Eye color: black 

Gender: female

Race: demon


Biography: Maria is a high-rank demon, one of the Three Dark Kings alongside Lord Drazor and Darkeye

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Biography: Maria is a high-rank demon, one of the Three Dark Kings alongside Lord Drazor and Darkeye. She seeks out worthy opponents to give her a proper challenge but instead she was bored and ended up defeating her opponents with one hit, considering her opponents to be weaklings.

Kilmaria is a beautiful woman with a black hair and black emotionless eyes. As a demon, she has twin horns and pointy ears

She wore a purple dragon emblemed chinese-like dress exposing her breasts and stomach as well a yellow tie. She wore a white jacket with black fur. She also wears black stocking and black boots.

Kilmaria has immense physical strength, immense speed, immense durability when she resist from attack she took, and has the destructive magic.

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