Elementor Bio:

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Name: Elementor

Age: unknown 

Eye color: red

Gender: male

Race: Ultralink 

Biography: Elementor is an alien monster is capable of control different elements, such as fire, earth, water, air, and metal, as well as lightning and ice. His fused forms also allows him to use two powers or more at the same time. 

Though he is one being, he has multiple personalities which can be swap at random. 

Fire Elementor is hotheaded and impulsive and is as ferocious as the element he wields. He has an enraged personality. 

Earth Elementor isn't very smart, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in brute strength

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Earth Elementor isn't very smart, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up for in brute strength. He is violent and destructive to his enemies. 

Water Elementor is one of the most intelligent of the Elementors and uses his cunning to his advantage

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Water Elementor is one of the most intelligent of the Elementors and uses his cunning to his advantage. He has a destructive mentality toward his enemies. 

Air Elementor He is extremely powerful and intelligent and was once the leader of his fellow Elementors (until he was usurped by Metal Elementor)

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Air Elementor He is extremely powerful and intelligent and was once the leader of his fellow Elementors (until he was usurped by Metal Elementor). He is arrogant, vicious and cruel towards his enemies. 


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