Waking Up, Hospitals, and Niall Horan

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Chapter 1


I peeled my eyes open, staring at the ceiling for what felt like ages. Slowly I sat myself upright, glancing about the room. I was obviously back at the hospital. My stomach was aching, shooting pain through my fragile body. My throat was extremely sore, so much it hurt to swallow.

"Ah, you're awake." a man spoke. He wore a white coat, and a stethoscope around his neck. A bright green clipboard lay in his hand and a neon green pen in his other.

I guess he likes the color green.

"What happened?" I croaked, surprised by the sound of my voice. The doctor chuckled and handed me a glass of water.

"The drugs took effect while you were in the ambulance. We had to pump your stomach." he replied.

"Is that why my throat is sore?" I asked. He nodded and wrote something down in the clipboard. "How long was I out?"

"Only a few months." he answered.

"Months?!" I squeaked.

"I'm kidding. Just a few hours, don't worry." he laughed. I glared at him and crossed my arms, letting out a small 'huff'. "You'll be able to leave as soon as an adult signs you out."

"But, I don't have anyone to. My entire family is dead." I responded.

"I'm 18, I can sign you out." a husky, Irish voice spoke off to the side.

My head snapped towards the door.

Niall stood, leaning against the doorframe. His arms were folded across his chest, while his legs were crossed.

"Oh, you, uh, don't have to do that." I stuttered awkwardly.

"Oh, yes he does if you wish to leave the hospital." the doctor smirked. "Sign out sheets are at the front desk."

With that he swiftly walked out of the room, leaving Niall and I alone.

"You must think I'm some freak, right?" I questioned.

"Normally I would, but you're not the only one who had this dream." he replied softy, taking steps toward my hospital bed.  


"When I got that letter, Scar, I was so distressed. I swear I was about to burst into tears." he chuckled bitterly.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, embarrassed by my previous actions.

"Why are you sorry? If you hadn't wrote that letter, I wouldn't be here right now. You might be laying in a hospital bed, but I can't help but find you beautiful. You might have almost died, but I can't help but feel extremely happy. I've finally found you, Scarlett, and I'm not letting you out of my life. You can't leave me, it'll kill me."

"I highly doubt that." I sighed.

Niall grabbed my arm, his thumb tracing over the forming scab.

"You can be so stupid sometimes, Scar." he paused. "But because of it, I'm probably the happiest guy on earth."

"I never expected you to be so mushy." I joked. His lips curled into a smile, making me mentally cheer. "So what do the boys think of this?"

"They think I'm insane."

"I would too. I mean, you're taking a total stranger home. You won't stop smiling like an idiot. And your eyes won't stop sparkling." I giggled.

"I really doubt they noticed that. Only you would." he chuckled. I blushed and looked down. "You know in that dream, I wish I didn't let him take you."

"Niall, it was a dream. You couldn't have controlled it." I stated. He shrugged and hung his head. "Not even if you tried."

"I feel so guilty." he sighed.

"Niall, stop."

"Where is your dad now?" he asked, nervousness and anger filling inside him.


His eyes widened, but you could see the relief in his eyes.

"So you're safe?" he questioned.

"No one is ever safe, but for now that he's dead. Yes, I am." I answered.

We sat there, a small silence filling the room. I listened as nurses walked the halls. Other than that it was fairly quiet.

"Can, I, uh, hug you?" he stuttered, his fingers combing through his blonde hair.

"You don't need to ask." I laughed.

"Well I didn't know if you were uncomfortable because of your flinching."

I mentally awhed at his rememberence. I turned myself so my body was facing him, my legs dangled off the bed. I opened my arms waiting for my hug.

Slowly, he stood up my the chair. His arms wrapped around my body, making me fill with warmth. Every second his arms hugged me more, his head cradled in my neck.

"It's better than I ever hoped." he blushed.

"That's because this is real."


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