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1. What state do you live in?

I actually live in New Jersey. I wish I could move to California, I'm hoping to go to college there.

2. If you had an option to be a unicorn or a Pegasus, what would you be?

Probably a Pegasus because I used to have dreams that one would pick me up from school and fly me home.

3. Who plays Scarlett?

It was hard picking an actor to play Scarlett, but I eventually chose Victoria Justice. Just more of a depressed version, I guess. Because she can sing, dance and play instruments, and I just felt she's a cute match with Niall.

4. Favorite things about each of the boys.

Harry- The way he sounds when he talks compared to his dorky personality. It's just so funny.

Niall- The way he and I are alike. That we laugh at EVERYTHING.

Liam- The way he's so close to the fandom. The way he's so sweet but BAM he turns protective and sexy and just awh.


Zayn- The way he always out does himself. 'I cant dance he says' *posts dancing videos on youtube* He's so kind and generous and stays out of the public eye. I just love him. He's so rugged and asdfghjkl.

5. What color are Scarlett's eyes?

Brown. But a beautiful brown like Andrea Russett, where they look green almost.

6. What color are your eyes?

I have blue eyes that change color depending on the time of day and my mood.

7. How much hair would Harry Styles style if Harry Styles could style hair?

stahp omg. pls.

8. Do you like sweet corn?

uh, i guess. i eat anything corn related... except corn muffins.

9. Which boys dick do you think is the biggest?

uhhh... Liam, just because he gives the innocent vibe when we all know hes a freak in bed.

10. Would you rather be sexually attracted to fruit, or switch genders every time you sneeze?

okay, well I sneeze at least 11 times in a row most of the time, so its insane, and I sneeze ALL THE TIME. but if i was sexually attracted to fruit, I probably wouldnt enjoy getting laid by my bf/husband... so i'd rather change gender when I sneeze, because sometimes I can control my sneezing.

11.For whats planned in the story, how long do you think it will take to finish Scarlett?

Hmm, I actually don't have this story thought ahead, so I have no idea when it'll end. I'm trying to do maybe 25 chapters.

12. What's your inspiration for your stories?

Nothing. It's just my imagination and past experiences.

13. What has happened to Niall?

You'll find that out at the end of the story.

14. Is 1D still a band (in this story)?

Yeah, thy're about to go on tour with Scarlett.

15. When did Scarlett and Niall get married?

You'll find out in later chapters.

16. Everything that happened in 'What These Bruises Say', was it real or fake?

Basically, Scarlett and Niall dreamed it happened, but in reality they have never met, other than the actual plane encounter when they were younger.

17. Niall, do you think it's possible for you and Scarlett to get married?


18. Do you think you can add them getting married?


19. Favorite chapter you've written in either story?

The self harm chapter. It came from my heart and was so true. I feel like I spoke the minds of so many troubled teens, boys or girls.

20. Who is your favorite character in the story and why?

Niall. I love the way he cares for Scar. Even though everything was a dream, he still felt the need to protect her and pretty much help her start her life over with him.

21.What is happening in this story? I'm very confused.

Basically, it starts where 'WTBS' leaves off. Scarlett wakes up in the hospital and goes home with Niall. As for the child and hospitalized Niall, that's the future. Carly, is Scarlett and Niall's child. Scarlett is telling the story to her daughter to help her sleep. Niall was previously hospitalized so Scarlett continues the story of 'them' where she left off with Carly.

22. If Scarlett dated anyone else in the story, who would it be and why?

She would date Louis, because she's the closest to him. She can trust him more than the other boys.


stop omg , pls ramen is lyf.

24. Where did you get the idea for the story?

After I finished my second book, I decided to think of interesting plots. I had at least ten plot lines on my phone. This plot won and now look where I am.

25. What your favorite thing in the room right now?

Either the computer or my iPhone.

26. What made you decide to make Simon so immature and random?

Well, Simon is always portrayed to be uptight and strict. Ive always seen Simon Cowell as a secret flamboyant man. So I just made Simon how I wanted him.

27. What is Scarlett's favorite movie snack?

Ramen Noodles.

28. What is Niall's favorite lollipop flavor?

Cotton Candy.

29. What is Zayn's favorite gel?

Uhhhh... Kiehls I guess, idk.

30. What is Niall's smallest fear?

Running out of Ramen when Scarlett's around.

31. What is your favorite song?

I don't have a favorite. I just listen to what ever is on the radio. Right now I have an obsession with The Neighbourhood.

32. Do you think you wrote any of yourself into the characters?

omg yes. Simon is me. Scarlett's thoughts and when she's depressed, is me and my thoughts.

33. Will everything be okay with Niall and Scar?

I can't tell you! It's a secret ;)

34. whats? up with the child Scarlett talks to?

That is Scarlett and Niall's baby girl.

35. UPDATE?!?!?!?

hush, give me time.

36. Why did you stop writing Scarlett for a while? YOU WERE KILLING ME MAN!!!

I'm sorry! I was busy with online school and trying to enjoy my summer. As soon as I go back to school, I'll write more.

37. Why is Niall sick?

Secret, you'll find out soon.

38. its not a question but a comment I love how scar talks in third person

haha, it's actually just me being random. the whole ramen noodles thing was because i wanted ramen.



40. Do you have any pets if so what types and names and if not what type would you consider getting

I have a dog, names Brooklyn. Shes a black lab and a total pain in the ass. She eats everything including, glass, underwear, pants, socks, plastic, dog toys, rubber, hair, hair ties, stuffed animals, she has this weird obsession with eating eyes of stuffed animals, used pads, anything bloody, raw meat left on the counter to defrost, paper, wrappers, books, phones, remotes, jewelry, sandwiches, noodles, toilet water, electrical cords and more! I used to have a cocker spaniel named Milo, but he passed away January 29. I wish I could have a sloth though.

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now