SCO, TayTay, and Niall Horan

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Chapter 2

"C'mon Scar, they'll love you." Niall sighed, extending his hand for me to take.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Examining every aspect of my features. I practically swam in my clothes because I lost so much weight. My hair sat in a messy bun atop of my head. My eyes were surrounded by bags due to my fatigue.

My hands trembled as I placed a bobby pin in my hair, hiding a stray hair.

"They aren't ones to judge." He edged.

I looked at his tall figure behind me in the mirror.

He looked equally as tired. His body leaned against the wall for support. His mouth opened, a yawn escaping his parted lips.

"But, what if they don't?" I asked, turning to face him.

"No one could ever dislike you." Niall chuckled. I blushed and looked away.

That blush soon disappeared. People did dislike me. My own father hated me.

"Scarlett, he's gone now." Niall spoke, almost as if he had read my thoughts.

I nodded in response and pushed past him.

"Let's just get this over with." I muttered and walked out the door, making a left turn.

"Uh, love, waiting room is this way." Niall called, obviously holding back his laughter. I let a growl rumble in my throat and threw my head back.

I hate when he's right. I turned around, stomping right past Niall.

I stopped once I reached a dead end.

"Maybe it was the other way." He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I knew I was right. I was here a few days ago."

"Sorry, lead the way princess." He held his hands up in surrender. "Are you on your period?"

I stopped in my tracks. "Niall!" I squeaked.


"If you must know, I am." I could feel my cheeks heating up under his stare.

"Oh, I am good!" He cheered. "Why else would you be extremely moody?"

"You don't know me, maybe this is my personality." I quizzed. This time he scoffed.

"I know more than you think."

My heart fluttered at his words.

Stupid hormones. Pick one emotion and stick with it!

Niall chuckled softly and continued to walk through the never ending hallways.

We must have been walking for at least a half hour. The lights flickered above our heads.

And honestly I was freaked out.

"Niall! We passed the cafeteria four times already!" I whined.

"Maybe it's a sign we should eat." He shrugged, staring intently at the cafe menu.

"Word of advice. Don't eat hospital food." I smirked and patted his back. "Let's go, I'm pretty sure the waiting room is to the left not the right."

"You're buying me Burger King after this then." He muttered.

"I'd rather cook something homemade. I hate fast food." I replied, leading the way back.

"Tell the lads that and you're destined to be loved in our family."

"You know I'm not staying at your house right? I have my own home to take care of." I stated.

"Do you really expect me to let you stay home by yourself? Besides, you're our song writer." He winked.

"Food loving blondie say what?" I gaped.

"Welcome home Scar." He laughed. "Meet the family."

I turned around to see 5 people lounging throughout the room.

"You're alive!" Louis yelped, jumping up from the couch.

"I am?! Oh thank god, I thought I was a ghost." I sarcastically remarked.

"Hey, don't joke about ghosts!" He growled, pointing his finger at me.

I put my arms up in mock surrender, muttering an apology under my breath.

Note to self- Do not joke about ghosts.

"Supreme Cosmic Overlord!" I squealed once I realized Simon was here too.

He lifted an eyebrow while Niall cracked up behind me.

"I don't even want to know. But don't call me that." Simon chuckled.

"It's either that or poophead." I shrugged, smirking at him. "Don't worry, I call you SCO for short. It sounds professional."

"Fine." He waved it off, a smile playing in his face.

"I like you." Zayn laughed softly.

"I second that." Liam chirped, raising his hand.

"Wait, so you're already used to Louis screaming, yet you've never met him?" Harry questioned. I nodded. "That is truly amazing. Bless your little soul."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but shrugged it off.

"So, Harry, how's TayTay?" I joked. "Heard she dissed you at the Grammys."

"Don't even..." He groaned.

"So he called me up and he's like, 'I still love you' and I'm all 'this is, uh, so exhausting. We are never getting back together. Like, ever'" I reenacted. "She must have felt so amazing. I mean, telling THE Harry Styles off on live television. That girl has some guts."

"Okay first of all, she called me up and was all 'I still love you' and I was telling her back the hell up." He replied, imitating Taylor Swift's accent.

"That's what they all say." I sighed.

"Girl bye." He huffed and stuck his palm in front of my face.

"I swear it's like we've known you forever." Liam stared in awe at me.

"No, I'm not a girl clone of Niall."

"Damn, I was just about to say that!" Zayn grunted. I laughed and leaned against Niall.

"Told you they'd like you." He whispered in my ear.

"Shush up poophead."


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