Tori Prince, Snotty Tissues, and Niall Horan

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LOLing bc i still have no idea what chapter im on and im too lazy to check.

-Niall's POV-

I don't think I've been this anxious in my entire life. My leg was bouncing, much like Scarlett's does when she's relapsing, and my fingers were drumming on my thighs. All because I was waiting for someone to text me back. 

Scarlett was out with Ed, Harry and Louis, getting a bite to eat before the concert. Meanwhile, I sat in the Green Room with Liam and Zayn. It was obvious the two boys were watching me in my state of being, both exchanging odd glances towards each other before shrugging it off.

I watch the iPhone sitting on the table, counting off numbers as if it would ring once I reached zero. Finally, after what felt like ages, my phone buzzed loudly against the wooden table. I quickly reached out and grabbed it. 

"What's got you jumpy, Niall?" Liam questioned, crossing his legs and leaning back in the oversized chair. 

"Jumpy? I don't know what you're on about." I laughed suspiciously. 

Damn Niall, the fuck is wrong with you? 

Zayn rolled his eyes from beside Liam and continued texting, who I would assume to be Perrie. I tore my gaze away from the two of them and glanced down at the phone. 

There was a small 1 next to my iMessage app and my heart began to race. This probably wasn't the best idea I had, but it was the only way to get Scarlett to like me back. 

I previously had texted my friend, a girl for that matter, who I had met about a year ago. During the Up All Night tour we had about a week of free time in North Carolina, this where she came along. She was a fan who stood outside our hotel, along with hundreds of others. Her name was Tori Prince. 

Tori somehow found a way to get into the hotel when security wasn't aware. Instead of raping us, like she probably would have, she rode the elevator all freaking day until one of us got on. I was the first and when she told me her story, I thought it was hilarious. Although she seemed like a crazy ass fan, she was funny and kind. We got on pretty well and started hanging out. Turns out, she was a great friend and we exchanged numbers before I left. 

I haven't spoken to her in a few months, well because I didn't want Scarlett to get upset. Oh the irony. 

My thumb tapped the green app and her message popped up. 

'Sure Niall, what can I help you with?'

I knew in my head this was a horrible idea, but I didn't let my conscience stop me, so I let my thumbs type back my proposition. 

'Have you heard about Scarlett? I need you to, how do I put this... make her jealous.'

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now