Panic, Pills, and Harry Styles

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chapter 18???? idr i suck at this


"Hey, mate. Uh, Scarlett's been in the bathroom for like 20 minutes." Ed said, walking into my room. I looked up from my phone, eyebrows furrowed. 

Well she only poops when we aren't home...

"Get Louis, now." I ordered, jumping up from the bed. 

"What's going on?" Ed called after me as I jogged to the bathroom. 

"Scarlett's not going to the bathroom." I yelled back before banging on the bathroom door. "Scarlett! Open the door!"

There wasn't a response at first until I heard faint crying. 

"Scarlett, please don't do it." I spoke quietly, my voice cracking at the end. 

This girl makes me so damn emotional. 

Her crying grew louder and I began pounding my fist on the door, making the door shake under my touch.

"What the hell is going on?!" Louis panicked, running through the hallway. 

"She locked herself in there and she's crying." I informed him, running my hand through my hair and tugging at the ends. 

Lou proceeded to follow my actions by banging on the door. 

"I tried, she wont open it." I sighed, feeling my eyes burn from unshed tears. 

"Scarlett, please open the door!" Louis cried, his face growing pale. "Someone call Niall!" 

"What the hell is going on?" Zayn asked, opening his door. 

"Call Niall, now!" I yelled to Zayn. His face quickly showed one of realization and he called Niall.

"He ignored me!" 

I'm going to kill him. My fists clenched at my sides at the thought of Niall ignoring the important phone call. Not just the phone call, but everything he's done over the past few days. He's trying to make Scarlett jealous, I know it for a fact seeing that I'm guilty for doing it myself while I was in high school. 

I don't know what has gotten into him, he knows she likes him. They kissed and they write songs together. They're practically dating without the title. 

Somehow I couldn't help but believe I could've done something to stop Scarlett from hurting herself right now. Because in the dead of night, when we all lay sound asleep in our beds, she is up and roaming around the hotel. She doesn't sleep. She just cries. 

I wish one of those nights I would have been smart enough to get out of bed and comfort her as she cried softly. I just wish I told her that life goes on and so will she. I read online that coming out of depression is the hardest and most fragile time. Your emotions are all coming back to life and you just feel so raw. What the person needs is a human companion, they need company, a shoulder to cry on. Someone to make them laugh and be happy. 

Niall should have been that person, but he's gone insane. Truly insane if he's trying to hurt the best girl that walked into his life. I can see the way Tori looks at him, no love or lust. She looks at him like a friend would. 

And when he wraps an arm around her when Scarlett walks in the room, Tori glares at him but goes along with it. Although she's helping him make her jealous, she doesn't want to be part of it. I don't get why she didn't tell him no, probably because no one can say no to Niall. 

Scarlett was scared to tell us how much it hurt, so she kept it all to herself. So when we believe her to be sad because of Niall, she was really suicidal and depressed as she was back in England. It's literally killing her. 

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now