Significance, Confusion and Niall Horan

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A beautiful color that people go insane over. Such a rare red to find that it drives people insane.

But they don't realize that they are scarlet. Their blood is a deep scarlet that glistens in the right light.

I am Scarlett. I bleed my name. I was destined to be a Scarlett. You can say it's in my blood.

And my last name. Gates.

A simple word. No significant meaning to the normal person. But to me, it means a gate to a new world. A gate to Niall. A gate to heaven and hell. A gate to a hospital.

Which is where I lie. Cold and empty. Needle after needle penetrating my skin. The constant beeping that filled my ears.

The way I would listen closely to it. Beep...beep.....beep...........beep.

My eyes wouldn't open. But I could slowly but surely tell it got everyone panicked. The beeping would slow down and everyone around me would sit up straighter, cross their fingers a little tighter, open their eyes a little wider.

I didn't know who sat by me. I wasn't sure if this was real or another dream. What if I was in another coma?

I was beyond scared. I loved Niall with all my heart, plus Liam's kidney. And just, I mean, what if I opened my eyes and it was all my imagination? What if I was alone?

We all know how it ended the first time. It's like a cycle.

Wake up. Find out I'm alone. Go home. Write a letter. Try to kill myself. Hope that I die. Wake up in a hospital again.

I really hate hospitals.

Sometimes being out like this is the most peace I get. No one can bother me except for myself... And that annoying beeping.

But that beeping is all I can ever hear. I can feel the shots. I can moves my eyes. Rarely wiggle my toes. Yet, I can't seem to hear anyone speak. Not even the screaming pregnant women in labor.

So I didn't know if Niall was beside me, praying that I'll be okay. I couldn't hear if the rest of my friends were in here, making sure Niall was alright and I wasn't dead. For all I know, my mom is beside me or even my dad. Maybe my dad never abused me and I'm just in here because I had to get surgery.

But then again...I could be dead.

This made me so aggravated. Not knowing anything is depressing and frightening.

I wish I could just open my damn eyes.

I can't though, I'm stuck like this. I'm stuck waiting for the answers. And it sucks.



Short and crappy! But I love to get you guys mad and curious!

1) any ideas on who the dad is?

2) is Scarlett dead or dreaming again?

Love you guys! Vote and comment!

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now