Jump, Fall, and Niall Horan

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It's the moment when you first wake up that I live for. Your eyes open and you just seem to forget everything. You breathe in deeply and stretch your limbs. Your vision is blurry, so while you wait for it to focus you listen to the birds chirp outside your window. Waking up is a moment of peace and tranquility. All is forgotten.

It's the second that everything floods back I hate. It all enters your mind so quickly, either you frown or smile. It's too much to take in that you stare at the ceiling for what seems like hours but ends up only being minutes. As you regain all of these memories and prior knowledge, the sounds of nature are replaced with your own breathing and slow paced heart beat.

And as you try to speak, your throat is dry and you are parched. So you lick your lips and contemplate on waking up completely or falling back into your lovely slumber. You start to hear the neighbors mowing their lawn and kids playing basketball. It's that moment you realize you're not going to fall back asleep.

But as I woke up today, I heard nothing but constant beeping. No birds, no kids, no annoying neighbors. Instead of breathing in Niall's heavenly Cologne, I choked on the smell of chemicals and cleaning supplies. I couldn't stretch due to the IV penetrating my forearm and the confined cot I was laying on. Everything was foreign yet so familiar. 

I tilted my head to the side, examining my surroundings. It was obvious I was in a hospital, but why? My arm was bandaged from almost my elbow to my wrist. My shaking fingers reached up and ran across the off-white bandage, stopping at the red blotches. I knew what I had done but I was clueless to why I did it.

Then, as I stared quietly at the ceiling, the memories came back. Instead of crying or screaming for my family, I continued to scold myself. Why was I so stupid? It was such a dumb idea to cut myself and try to overdose.

I should have jumped off of the hotel, that would have guaranteed death.

So I laid there, squeezing the blanket in my hand, plotting my death...again. But this time, it will be quick, painless, and no one will find me soon enough.

The clicking of the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I was expecting to see a doctor or nurse, but instead Louis Tomlinson strolled inside. At least it seemed to be Lou. His hair was a downright mess, red streaks a blotches marked his tan face. His eyes bloodshot and nose, red and running.

"Scarlett?" His eyes widened dramatically as he rushed to my side.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice monotone. Lou's eyes narrowed in a confused manner, processing my demeanor. "You need to leave. I don't want you here. I don't want any of you here."

"You're alive after trying to end yourself and that's all you have to say?" He implied, his voice a mix of sadness and anger. "We saved your life and this is what we get?"

"You didn't save me, Louis." I snapped. "You stopped me from saving myself."

He opened his mouth to reply, but he couldn't seem to form a sentence. He knew he had to censor himself around me, I could snap at any minute.

"Now get out." I ordered.

"Who the hell are you? You die for five seconds and now you're some rude, ungrateful prick? You should be thanking us for saving your screwed up ass! You're insane, Scarlett, truly insane."


He spun on his heal, marching towards the door. He hesitated slightly before ripping open the door and exiting, slamming it behind him.

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now