Damn Chairs, Turkish Delight and Niall Horan

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Chapter 20


These chairs are so fucking uncomfortable. This hospital smells like death and disease. There's been at least four women running in here going into labor and the damn computer keeps beeping.

The nurse hasn't come back and it's been an hour. She left me sitting in these damn plastic chairs. Does she not understand how much this girl means to me? To us? I need to know if she's alive.

I'm tempted to go back there myself, see what's going on. Is she okay? Does she need me? Did she succumb to her injuries?

I hate it so much because I feel so useless. Instead of standing beside her and clutching her hand for dear life, I'm sitting out here in these sorry excuses for chairs.

I can't just snap my fingers and everything will 'be okay'. And I hate it so much. I just want her to laugh with me and watch The Walking Dead. And now, shit, we're going to miss the season finale.

What really gets me is how well she hid everything. She comes off as such a strong girl yet she secretly cried herself to sleep. She acted as if nothing was wrong, man, was she a good liar.

My phone was still lifeless in my pocket and the TV was playing reruns of Zoey 101, episodes I've already seen like 234 times. I would watch them, but my mind was elsewhere and my butt was numb because of these horrible chairs.

"I'll seriously give you $5,000 to replace all of these chairs." I spoke, gaining the receptionist's attention. She cracked a smile before turning back to her dinosaur of a computer. She typed away obnoxiously and popped her gum loudly and I was growing more irritated by the second.

I needed to see Scarlett or at least know the status on her.

"Can you get someone our here to tell me how Scarlett is?" I asked, well more like ordered.

"There's nothing I can do Mr.Tomlinson, you'll have to wait." She replied.

"Wait? I've been waiting for an hour!"

"Sir, please keep your voice down."

"This girl, she was a stranger to me not even 6 months ago, now I consider her my sister and you're telling me that I have to wait even longer to even get an update? She fucking killed herself, I'd like to know if she's alive of not!" I shouted, removing myself from the chair.

"Please calm down." She begged, holding her hands up.

"I just need to see her, I have to." I whimpered, my eyes watering. The receptionist stared at me for a few seconds before sighing loudly. She nodded her head and bounded down the hall to where they took Scarlett.

I wiped my eyes quickly and composed myself for the news I would be receiving.

"All they could say was that she's in critical condition, she lost a lot of blood."

"Thank you."

I turned on my heel and exited the building to get some fresh air. I leaned against the side of the brick hospital, taking deep breaths, doing my best to compose myself. My face turned against me and contorted as I broke into cries. Tears poured down my cheeks and I could barely breathe.

My gasps for air were preposterously loud that people would stare. I slid down the wall, no doubt cutting up my back on the old bricks.

I couldn't even feel pain.

I hope Scarlett didn't feel pain. I hope she dies peacefully. I wish for her to be happy and leave this world with a smile on her face.

And if she survives? I'm going to teach her how to be happy. How to smile for real. How to laugh and ignore the bad thoughts.

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now