Zoning Out, Voice Mails and Niall Horan.

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even though someone told me what chapter this is i already forgot lololol


I watched Scarlett traipse in the room, a small frown etched onto her face. I knew that look. She was confused and thinking hard about something. She stopped in her tracks once she saw Tori. 

"Oh my god, Niall. She's perf." Tori whispered excitedly in my ear. I couldn't help but smile because it was extremely accurate. Scarlett was probably one of the most beautiful girls I have ever laid eyes on. And trust me, with my job, I see plenty of girls...

Tori hopped off the couch and began conversing with Scar. She pointed to our bedroom and walked off, not before exchanging a small flutter of her eyelids to me. Louis walked in soon after, stopping at the sight of Tori. His eyebrows furrowed together and I stayed seated, allowing Tori to let her inner fangirl out. Louis rushed to the hall, I'm guessing to find Scarlett and Tori bounced back on the couch next to me. 

"She was crying." Tori stated, picking her fingernails. 

"How do you know?" I asked, my heart cracking at the thought of my Scarlett breaking down. 

"Her eyes were red and puffy, and her voice was really raspy." she replied, looking into my eyes. "I'm not sure we should continue this, Ni. She looks so distraught." 

I shook my head quickly. I was not giving up. "It's working, cant you see? She's getting jealous." 

"That wasn't jealousy Niall, that was desolation." 

The door swung open revealing Harry and Liam. 

"What's wrong with you?!" Harry bellowed and I winced. Harry may seem like a total doof, but when he's angry.... stay away. Liam placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, calming him slowly. 

"Tori, why are you doing this?" Liam questioned. Tori tilted her head to the side in a questioning motion. "Scarlett loves him, why are you trying to ruin it?" 

"She does not love me, Liam." I cut in, feeling bad that Tori is now in this mess. 

"Are you fucking mental?" Harry exclaimed. "She's head over heals for you!" 

"You have no proof." 

"Other than that she completely broke down after you told her you had a date?" Liam spoke, his voice edgy. 

My eyes widened and I swore anyone in a five mile radius could have heard my heart drop. 

Stay with the plan Niall. Make Scar jealous, no feelings attached. 

I gave a sorrow some look to both Liam and Harry before taking Tori by the arm and dragging her out of the hotel. 


 "He left?" I asked Harry, my voice wavering. He nodded and pulled me into a hug. 

"I went ape shit on him." he sighed, kissing my head. 

"We heard you yelling, kind of hard because Scarlett was crying, but we heard it." Louis spoke. Harry looked down at me, sympathy shone in his eyes. 

"Sorry I'm being such a drama queen." I whispered, wiping my watery eyes. 

"You are not being a drama queen. Niall is breaking your heart, you deserve to be able to overreact." Louis objected. I sent him a small smile, but it disappeared soon after. 

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