Disney Channel Sweaty Hugs and Niall Horan

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Chapter 5

"Hey Scarlett, me and the lads are going to the gym. You coming?" Liam called from downstairs.

I made a loud gag noise making him chuckle.

"I'll take that as a no?"

"Whenever I feel the need to exercise, I lay down and wait for the feeling to go away." I deadpanned as I traveled down the carpeted staircase.

"Scar, exercise?" Niall winked.

I smirked. "More like extra fries."

"I think it's another dream thing." Harry whispered to Louis.

Damn right it is, Harry.

Damn right.

"So, Scarlett you'll be okay here on your own right?" Zayn asked. I nodded and fell over the arm of the couch, flipping on some random Disney Channel show.

"No, I'm probably going to set the microwave on fire.." I giggled, not taking my eyes off of the TV. Austin and Ally was on, that's my show.


Ross Lynch is so hot.

Wow, I'm fangirling over a little kid show.

But I don't give a rats ass.

"No microwave, Scarlett." Louis spoke, pointing his finger at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I waved him off. "Go to the gym now. Bye."


"Do you even lift?" he replied, grimacing like a pre teen girl.

Damn, shut up Louis.

"Lou, you're getting fatter by the second, I suggest you go work out." I gasped, poking his stomach. He slapped my hand away, shooting a large pout in my direction.

"I am not fat! I'm a fit young lad!"

"Says the tummy rolls." I muttered.

"And like you don't have any?!" he scoffed, lifting up my shirt.

"I think I'm good." I shrugged, looking at my flat stomach.

"She's good." all the boys chorused after taking a look at my stomach.

I leaned back onto the couch, my arms folded behind my head and my legs sprawled on the other end of the couch. "Bye Lou." I winked.

"I so don't like you right now." he mumbled as he plodded out the door.

He so likes me.

Sassy snap.

"That makes one." Zayn chuckled and followed behind him. I smirked and turned my head back to the show.

Four for you Zayn Momo. You go Zayn Momo.

"Why don't they go out yet? I mean, it's obvious they like each other!" Niall exclaimed, his eyes fixated on the TV.

"Ugh, I know! They'd be the cutest couple! The pop star dates the song writer, adorable!" I squealed.

"Uh, you guys do realize that this show is practically based off of you two?" Liam questioned.

"No it's not! Ally is way prettier than me and she actually writes amazing songs." I countered.

"You're so stupid, Scarlett." Harry chuckled and dragged Liam out the door.

I'm stupid? At least I didn't cry when my hair got straightened....

"You're way prettier than Ally..." Niall whispered before kissing my head and leaving the flat.

I was sure the blush was on my cheeks for hours after that.

Damn you Niall Hoho. None for you Niall Hoho.


"It smells like road kill." I coughed after the guys returned. "Please go shower before I die."

"But I want to hug you!" Niall winked, walking towards me. I scrambled to my feet and attempted to run away, but ran straight into Louis.

"I worked out extra hard because someone called me fat." he sighed, opening his arms.

I was just stating facts.

And now I totally regret it.

"Please no!" I screamed and dropped to the floor, crawling between his legs. "HAH!"

Shows him right.

I'm a boss.

Kind of like imma bee.

Imma boss, imma boss, imma imma imma boss.


There was a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around.

Liam stood there, arms crossed. Body odor steaming off of him.

Ew. Ew. Ew.

"Liam?! I didn't do anything to you! Don't do this to me!" I cried out. He smirked taking another step forward. "I have a foot and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Liam stepped back, covering his manhood.

Thank you foot. I seriously owe you one.

"Thought so." I chirped and ran around him, heading for the stairs.

I feel like I'm in the hunger games.


"Oh no you don't." Harry grunted as he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me tight.

"Can't breathe." I choked out. "And not because you're hugging me so tight, but because your stench is horrid."

"Group hug!" Zayn cheered, wrapping his arms around me too. Soon all the boys joined in and I think I fainted somewhere during that.

I see dots. Oh, the light.

What a world, what a world.

Okay boys, let's release me.

I'm waiting.... Here it comes....

And I'm released.


"I get first shower!" I called and sped up the stairs and into the hall bathroom.

"Way to go, Harry!"

"You just had to catch her!"

"My fault?! It was your idea, Niall!"

"But I gave up after she threatened to use her foot!"

"Sucks to suck! This water is so warm! I might be a while!" I yelled.

"Scarlett!!!" Niall shouted, banging his fist on the door.

"Don't use all the hot water!" Louis whined.

"What?! I can't hear you over the hot, steamy water hitting my body!"

"I'm not too sure about you being a keeper anymore..." Louis grumbled, his footsteps trailing off.

My heart dropped.

I quickly jumped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my sopping wet skin. Opening the door, I rammed into Niall.

"Really Lou?" I asked softly. The brunette turned around to the sound of my voice.

"No! Scarlett, I was joking..." he sighed, traveling back over to me.

"Oh, okay. You can have the shower, I'm done." I whispered and trudged to the room Niall and I shared. I shut the door behind me, quickly changing into a pair of sweats and a tye dyed shirt.

"Scarlett, can I come in?" Niall knocked.

"Its open."

I sat on the bed, my back to the door. I stared at the skyline out the window as Niall walked in.

It's funny.

I lived here my whole life and I haven't visited any of the sites.

Thanks papa. You rock for that.

"Are you okay?" he asked, taking a seat next to me.

I shook my head.

"He was just kidding, Scar."

"I know, it's just... I got scared. I thought he didn't like me and wanted me gone. I just started freaking out. What if you don't like me? What if I'm just here because I'm some charity case?" I began running my sentences together.

Yay. I love anxiety attacks!

Note the sarcasm.

"Scarlett, breathe." Niall soothed, taking hold of my shoulders.

"Please don't kick me out." I cried, falling into his chest.

He snaked his arms around me, kissing my forehead in the process.

"You are not a charity case! We love you, Scar. None of us want you gone." Niall cooed, kissing my head after every sentence.




Dedication time! What movie or TV show is in the sidebar?

First to guess wins a dedication!

Make sure to vote and comment! Love you all to the moon and back!

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