Inappropriate Behavior, Raw Skin and Niall Horan

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Chapter 7


"I didn't think you'd actually kiss each other!" Harry exclaimed, clearly in shock.

"Go Niall! Get the pussy!" Simon screamed from his car. My mouth gaped open, staring at the flamboyant man cheering in the distance.

"SCO! That's inappropriate!" I scolded.

He only shrugged and began dancing around, cheering about how he 'Saved Niall's dick from falling off' and how he 'Removed the cobwebs from my vagina'.

"For your information, my vagina is clean as a whistle!" I called to him.

Clean it everyday.

Scrub with soap, preferably from bath and body works.

Sweet pea for a sweet vagina.

What the hell is wrong with me.

"I'm hungry." I spoke, trailing away from the private parts.

"Same. Pizza sound good?" Niall responded. I nodded and hooked arms with him.

"Hold up!" Zayn called.

"You guys just kissed and all you care about is food?" Louis questioned.

Niall and I looked at each other and then back at the four boys.

Scarlett (Sequel to What These Bruises Say)Where stories live. Discover now