Sibling Switch Up (3)

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Luz and Amity had decided to hang out today.

"Hey Luz! I'm really excited for today" Amity smiled as she entered through the door. "Me too Ami" Luz exclaimed. "Wanna go up to my room?" she asked. "Sure thing" Amity replied.

Lucía had just woken up. She went upstairs only to see that nobody was there. She headed to Luz's room and barged in. "Well hello there Amity, and Luz.. next time wake me before you invite your friend over" Lucía yawned. "I did, yesterday when you came home from your friend's house and oh by the way you never told me who this friend was" Luz said.

"You're acting as if I've got many friends" Luz's older sister said. "But you've got more than one" Luz furrowed her eyebrows. "I was at Amelia's house" Lucía answered her sister. "My older sister's name is Amelia" Amity spoke. "Y'know what's weird? shes got the same colored hair as you" Lucía raised her eyebrow. "My sister convinced me to dye my hair purple to look like hers. She used to have green hair tho" Amity explained.

Lucía froze. "she used to have green hair" kept playing in her head. "Lucía.. you okay?" Luz asked. "Amity.. do you know where your sister works?" Lucía asked as the thought of Amelia being Amity's sister kept playing in her head. "At some coffeehouse why?" Amity wondered. "SHIT" Lucía shouted as she ran out of Luz's room. Luz and Amity followed after her.

"Lucía where are you going?" Luz called out. "To my ro- to the basement" Lucía answered. All three of them were now down in the basement. Lucía got her phone from her side table and dialed down Amelia's number. "You called me to take me out?" Amelia flirted. "What no?!? Amity come over here" Lucía said hurrying her coworker's sister into the camera. "Amity? that's my sisters-" Amelia got cut off by Lucía shoving Amity into the camera.

"Amity? why are you at Lucías house" Amelia questioned as she gave her a concerned look. "The real question is why are you in Luz's sister's DMs?" Amity asked her sister. "Lucía is Luz's sister?!?" Amelia shouted through the phone. "You two are siblings?!?" Lucía looked shocked. "Ofcourse we're siblings.. and Luz is your sister?" Amelia shook her head.

"YEAH? and how do you know who she is?"

"I could ask you the same thing about my sister"

"Well they're always hanging over here" Lucía said. "Well Ami is always talking about Luz. I suppose I should know who she is" Amelia chuckled. "Amelia!" Amity blushed. "Luz talks about your sister all the time too y'know" Lucía cackled. "Shut up Lucía" Luz got red. "Well you're always talking about Amelia. You have a crush on her?" Luz spoke loud enough for Amelia to hear her. "Awhh, Luce is talking about me" Amelia smiled.

"Ugh ew Luz shut up" Lucía mentally facepalmed. "I feel like instead of screaming at each other we should all just be here for this conversation" Amity suggested. "Amity's right invite your girlfriend over" a huge grin appeared on Luz's face. "Shes not my girlfriend but fine. I'll come pick you up" Lucía told Amelia. "Great, I'll finally meet my sister in law" she joked. "God give me the strength to keep my fists to myself today" Lucía sighed.

"You comin' or not?" Amelia smiled. "I am on my way" Lucía hurried. She hung up the phone and grabbed her keys. "You two are staying unless you wanna come along Amity" Lucía said. "Hey what about me?" Luz frowned. "I do not trust you" her sister told her. "Its fine I'll stay with Luz" Amity told her. "As my manager once said, "Dont do something you'll regret" bye!" Lucía joked as she exited the door.

When she made it to Amelia's apartment she knocked about 10 times. "Can you not wait?" Amelia sighed. "You had a bunch of time to get ready and it's not like I'm taking you out" Lucía looked at Amelia. "Unless you wanna ditch our siblings" Amelia flirted with Lucía once again. "I do not have time for this right now are you coming or not?" Lucía groaned. "Ofcourse I'm coming" Amelia answered as she locked the door behind her.

❥ 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now