Wionna's Chaotic Adventures (13)

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Wionna woke up late like any other day. She layed in bed for 20 minutes before heading downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning dad" Wionna stretched her arms. "Wionna, it's 11AM! why are you just now up?" Wionna's dad looked her dead in the eyes.

"Are you hearing yourself? it's 11AM! that's nothing, plus it's Sunday so why does it even matter?" Wionna sat down in front of her dad. "If you make a habit out of waking up late, you'll never actually be able to wake up on time" Gilbert pinched his forehead. "It's not like I have a job, or go to school" Wionna rolled her eyes.

"I'm glad you brought work up! you have to get a job if you wanna continue living here" Wionna's dad crossed his arms. "What? dad c'mon! you and I both know damn well nobody is gonna hire me" Wionna leaned back on her chair, annoyed. "Language! and I'm sure a lot of places are looking for new workers. Go give it a shot!" Gilbert encouraged his daughter.

"Ugh dad please don't make me do this" Wionna whined. "You don't have a choice young lady! better go get ready" Gilbert shook his head up and down. "Fine, whatever" Wionna got up from the kitchen table. "Oh and by the way, where's Willow and dad?" Wionna asked before heading out the kitchen door.  "Willow was going to go hang out with her friends today and Harvey decided to take her" Gilbert replied.

"So she gets to hang out with her friends while I go search for a job?!"

"She's in highschool Wionna.."

"Dang it"

Wionna walked back upstairs and changed out of her clothes from the night before. She fed her pet plant before leaving her room. "Bye dad! if I get arrested you better bail me out!" Wionna shouted. "I'm not making any promises!" Wionna's dad chuckled. Wionna walked out the house and locked the door behind her.

She walked outside the apartment and noticed how grey and sad it looked outside today. "Ah great" Wionna facepalmed. After only a few minutes, Wionna realized she didn't have a ride. She didn't own a car, nor have enough money for an Uber or a bus ticket.

Hello Lucía😊
seen 11:23AM

What do you want
seen 11:23AM

Jeez can a girl not be nice anymore😒
seen 11:24AM

Just get to the point already
seen 11:24AM

So basically my dad told me I have to look for a job.. and I don't have a ride and I am not walking around the city all day with this weather😘
seen 11:24AM

Sorry can't, I'm hanging out with Amelia (also I'm not sorry😊)
seen 11:24PM

WOW RUDE.. okay bye meanie😒
seen 11:25AM

Have fun❤
seen 11:26AM

"So mean and for what.." Wionna thought. She took a deep breath before taking another step. "Might aswell create some chaos in this chaotic weather" Wionna laughed. She shivered as she walked through the city. Wionna had stumbled across a coffeeshop, and had decided to play her first prank of the day there.

She walked into the coffeeshop, closing the door behind her. "Hello, how may I help you?" the cashier asked. "Mhm.. can I get a Frappuccino, anddd.. a cakepop" Wionna replied. "Right away!" the cashier walked away. As soon as the cashier took their eyes off of Wionna, Wionna ran out of the store. She cackled to herself as she looked back at the coffeeshop.

"Okay Wionna, take this more seriously" Wionna managed to calm herself down. She found herself standing right in front of the mall, so she decided to walk in. Wionna looked around at all the stores, and eventually noticed a clothing store that was hiring. She entered the store and walked up to the store manager. "It looked like you guys were hiring! I'd like to get a job here" Wionna smiled at the manager.

❥ 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐒𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐔Where stories live. Discover now