She's Back (6)

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Lucía woke up on a Wednesday morning. Surprisingly, she woke up early. She headed upstairs to see Luz sitting at the kitchen table. "Goodmorning Luz" Lucía ruffled Luz's hair as she yawned. "Goodmorning Lucía" Luz smiled at her sister as she pushed her hands off of her head. "Have you eaten breakfast?" Lucía asked sitting down. "I was just looking at something on my phone. I was about to go make me some cereal" Luz replied.

"I hope you aren't lying" Lucía looked at her sister concerned. "I'm not! want me to make you a bowl?" Luz asked as she got up. "Sure, thanks" Lucía replied. Luz took the milk out of the fridge and the cereal out of the cupboard and prepared breakfast. The milk was ofcourse almond milk. When she was done, she brought both bowls and placed them on the table. "Thanks Luz" Lucía thanked her little sister. "Anytime! are you going to work today?" Luz asked as she took a bite out of her cereal.

"Yeah, hope Vince is okay" Lucía rested her head on her hand. "Who's Vince?" Luz asked. "Oh I forgot to tell you, he's my manager. The reason we even got two days off was because he was sick" Lucía took a sip out of her water. Luz just nodded. "I miss mom" Luz frowned. "She'll be back soon, I promise" Lucía reassured her sister. But she wasn't so sure at all. The last time Lucía had seen her mother was over 3 weeks ago. Lucía also missed her, but not as much as Luz did.

"I hope you are telling the truth" Luz almost shed a tear. "I am. She will be back" Lucía gave her sister a reassuring smile. Luz just smiled back and finished her breakfast. Lucía quickly finished after her too. "I have to leave for work in 10 minutes" Lucía checked the time. She got up and headed downstairs. She changed out of her pyjamas into her green jacket and blue pants.

She grabbed her beanie from her nightstand and walked back upstairs. "See ya later Luzura" Lucía laughed. It had been a hot minute since she called her sister that. When they were younger, they both were massive Azura fans. Luz still is, but Lucía was even more obsessed with the show at that time than Luz. She once called Luz "Luzura" and Luz absolutely loved it. "I remember when you used to call me by that nickname all the time!" Luz grinned. Lucía definitely misses how she was with her sister when they were younger. She doesn't want Luz to grow up.

"Ofcourse! have a good day" Lucía smiled at her sister and headed out. She entered her car and started driving. When she made it, Amelia and Vince were already inside. "Look who showed up on time!" Vince joked. "Hey dude! you seem great" Lucía repeatedly hit his back. "Sure am! your girlfriend over there seems like shes in a bad mood so go make her happy" Vince pointed at Amelia. "Not my girlfriend Vince!" Lucía groaned. She headed over to Amelia.

"Hey! you seem upset" Lucía looked at her. "I am. My parents said that I wasn't ever allowed to see Amity again" Amelia buried her face into her hands. "Dont listen to them-" Lucía tried making her feel better but got cut off. "You dont get it Lucía. If they ever found out that Amity was with me they'd put her through absolute hell" Amelia started tearing up. "I'll put them in their place if they even dare" Lucía joked. Amelia slightly chuckled but was still upset.

"My sister won't let your parents touch Amity, so don't worry. She's a strong girl, there's nothing to worry about" Lucía placed her hand on Amelia's shoulder. "Thanks Lucía. But I can't just not worry" Amelia frowned. "I know it's hard for you right now, but I'll always be here if you need me" Lucía told her. "Thank you Luce" Amelia's sad expression slowly turned into a smile.

An hour into work, Lucía's phone suddenly started blowing up. "Wionna I swear to God-" she cut herself off when she noticed it was Luz.

Mi corazón❤
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seen 8:59AM

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