Her New Roomate (21)

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A/N: hi, this chapter will only be around 1000 words. Sorry

Lucía, for once in her life, woke up at 6AM, on a Saturday. Lucía wasn't even aware of the time, and walked upstairs, only to not find Luz sitting at the kitchen table. "Where is she?" Lucía yawned. Lucía took a look at the wall clock, and finally noticed what time it was. "6AM? HOLY SHIT" Lucía stared at the clock in disbelief.

Her shout was so loud, she managed to wake Luz up. "Why are you screaming?" Luz rubbed her eye as she walked down the stairs. "Its 6am! and why are you up?" Lucía crossed her arms. "One, you shouted so freaking loud I'm surprised you didn't wake up the entire neighborhood, two, I always wake up early. My alarm is an hour set from now" Luz told her big sister.

"Damn, was I really that loud?" Lucía wondered. "You want breakfast?" Lucía asked. "We both know you don't want to cook" Luz giggled. "Yeah you're right, I was planning on ordering McDonald's, but I guess you don't want it.." Lucía teased. "McDonald's isn't even open, it's 6AM, remember?" Luz scoffed.

"Oh right. You cook?" Lucía laughed at her sarcasm, which Luz on the other hand just stared at Lucía, with no thoughts in the back of her head.  "No Lucía, I don't cook, and you just turned 20, how can you not cook" Luz sighed. "I was busy fighting big losers, not playing cooking games. You happy with that answer?" Lucía cackled. "Whatever, I'll just make us sandwiches" Luz said.

"Oo nice. Make them good"

"Why don't you make them?"

"Now you're asking for too much"

Luz took out all the ingredients she needed for the sandwiches, while Lucía sat at the table, watching her every step. "You sure you want to do that?" Lucía laughed. "Don't tell me how to make a sandwich, Mrs, fist fight" Luz grinned. "Where did you come up with that?" Lucía smiled. "I wonder that myself" Luz chuckled.

Once Luz was finally done with the sandwiches, she brought them to the table and placed them both in front of Lucía. "Both of them are for me? sweet" Lucía grabbed one and immediately digged in. "What? no! choose one out of the two, but I guess you already did.." Luz's voice faded as she pulled the other plate towards herself. "Awh! this is really good though" Lucía raised her hand to high five her sister.

Luz raised hers in air, and just as she was about to hit Lucía's palm, Lucía pulled her hand away and said, "Too Slow!" sending a wink her sister's way. "Darn it!" Luz frowned. A few laughs later, the girls continued eating their breakfast. Once they were finished, they got up from the table and put away their plates in the dishwasher.

"Holy shit! I completely forgot, today's the day!" Lucía grinned. "What is it?" Luz asked. "The day Amelia finally moves in with me" Lucía smiled as she crossed her arms. "Oh my god yeah! totally cool of mom to let her move in" Luz tried nodding her head like a "Cool guy" totally failed.

"Mom seems to like her, I dont see why she'd say no" Lucía said. "Okay Luzura, ready to make this place look like Mr. Clean's house?" Lucía grinned wide. "Been ready Lucíella!" Luz saluted. "Who..? whatever, GET TO WORK SOLDIER" Lucía shouted. "6AM Lucía.. 6AM.." Luz sighed. "Oh yeah, right" Lucía gave Luz an awkward smile.

The two Noceda sisters went on a huge cleaning mission. Operation, clean the night away (twice style). For about the next 3 hours, the two girls cleaned the house like crazy, not missing a single spot. They wanted Amelia to feel welcomed the first day, and at home all the others. Lucía and Luz had already agreed who was going to clean what.

Lucía had the kitchen, basement, bathroom, and hallway, and Luz had her room, Camilla's room, guest bathroom, and the garage? Luz didn't see why it was important to clean it, but Lucía insisted. The dusting, wiping, scrubbing, spraying, mopping, and etcetera felt like it was going on forever.

"I don't think I can do this anymore Captain!"

"You can do this Luzura! keep on fighting those dirt monsters!"

What kept Captain Lucíella and Soldier Luzura going, was poor civilian Ameliella. Okay it may be time to stop calling them that. Luz and Lucía were determined to make everything clean and perfect, just for Amelia. Lucía definitely didn't want to dissapoint her girlfriend, and Luz was simply just afraid of her sister.

They kept battling on like true heros. A few Taylor Swift Albums, 12 bottles of water, 2 dance breaks, 20 stops in the kitchen to grab candy, and 3 hours later, they were finally done. Every part of the house (and I might add the garage) was spotless. You could literally see your own reflection on the kitchen floor. "Great Job Luzura" Lucía high fived the mighty hero.

"Couldn't have done it without you captain" Luz nodded her head, cool guy style. "She should be here soon!" Lucía squealed in excitement. "I guess. Hey maybe can we get some food? I'm starving, and so tired- OH MY GOD" Luz suddenly raised her voice. "Huh, what" Lucía said confused. "We might have or might have not forgotten to clean the closet.." Luz smiled awkwardly. "Oh no" Lucía gulped. The two exchanged glances with each other, before running into the kitchen.

They both grabbed a wash cloth and ran the fastest they could to the closet. Immediately, Luz collapsed on the floor and started trying to pick up all the dust that had started to collect inside the closet over the years. Lucía reached the top shelf and started scrubbing the hardest she could, when suddenly, a "blink" sound came from the front door. Lucía and Luz slowly looked at each other, before exiting the closet.

They walked to the front door, to see Amelia holding two suit cases and a bag in her hand. "Hello! I'm so excited to finally be able to move in with you two" Amelia smiled. "Yes ofcourse! we too, uhm don't check the closet" Lucía told her girlfriend. "Why not?" Amelia asked. "It's not cleaned! we forgot we're so sorry" Luz frowned.

"Oh, its fine! feels more homey that way am I right?" Amelia chuckled. "Wait, you don't care about the house being clean?" Lucía stared at Amelia, very confused. "Ofcourse I dont. You've seen my old place, and I'm not suddenly coming out of nowhere and expecting you to just clean the entire thing. I love how the house looks" Amelia smiled. "We never thought about that.. well, it feels nice that we'll never have to go through that again" Lucía sighed in relief.

"Go through what?"


Word count: 1153

final chapter coming soon🙀

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