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"Marie can you come in the kitchen please?" Lucía shouted. "Coming mom!" Lucía's daughter, Marie replied. She ran to the kitchen to notice her mother standing by the kitchen table, waiting to ask for a favor.

"Do me a favor and set the table" Lucía asked. "Sure thing mom. Aunt Luz and Aunt Amity coming over for dinner?" Marie asked her mother. "Yes ofcourse, they told me and your mom that they had a special announcement to make. Not quite sure what it is" Lucía chuckled.

"Hey baby, can you call on Vera and Jonah to come and help set the table?" Lucía asked her wife. "Ofcourse hun" Amelia ran out the kitchen. She came back with their two other kids and the family prepared the table. "Excited to see your aunts guys?" Lucía asked her kids. "Super, Aunt Luz always brings us money, and Aunt Amity always brings us cake" Vera grinned.

"Cake!" Jonah cheered. "They should be here soon, be nice" Amelia told the kids. Once the food was all done, the family sat down at the table, waiting for the couple to arrive. A few minutes later, Luz and Amity had finally made it. "Aunt Luz! Aunt Amity!" Jonah jumped out of his chair and ran to the front door. "You girls stay here, we'll be right back" Lucía told the girls.

"Come in! it's so nice to see you guys again" Lucía hugged the girls. "Its so nice to see you guys too" Luz smiled. "Let's get dinner started, shall we?" Amelia smiled. "Why we shall" Amity replied. The girls, and Jonah, made it back to the kitchen table.

Once they had sat down, they decided to finally break the news. "We're getting married!" they exclaimed. "Holy shit! congratulations" Lucía smiled. "Baby, language" Amelia told her wife. "Oh yes ofcourse, sorry babe" Lucía replied. "I am so happy for you two" Amelia got up from her chair and went to hug them.

"We're happy too! you are the best aunts ever" Marie looked at the two. "We love you guys so, so much" Luz and Amity told the table. "We love you too" they all replied, except for Jonah, he had already digged in. "JONAH!"


Wow, my book is complete. I am so grateful and thankful for all the reads, votes, comments, follows, everything. I love you guys so so much💓


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