Change Of Plans (4)

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Lucía was now on her way to Amelia's apartment to go pick her up for the movies. She still had no clue what movie they'd be watching and was just hoping it was a good one. She wore her most casual clothes, a red hoodie and a pair of classic ol' dark blue jeans and of course the iconic beanie. Lucía made her way to Amelia's door and rung the door bell. Amelia opened the door revealing her outfit, which wasn't all that special really. Just a basic black tank top and a pair of cargos.

"You look good" Amelia winked at her "date". "Really? I didnt put that much effort into my outfit" Lucía chuckled. Amelia could feel a smile forming on her face. "Well I still think you look good" Lucía smiled at the compliment. "You don't look that bad yourself Ams" she said. "Thank you Luce!! ready to head out?" Amelia asked as she locked the door behind her.

"After you princess" Lucía bowed down. "You've got great manners darling" Amelia smirked. The two now made their way to Lucía's car. Lucía feeling generous, opened the car door for Amelia. "Why thank you" Amelia chuckled as she entered the car. Lucía went all the way around and entered the driver's seat. She started the car and they were on their way to the movies.

"You never told me what movie we would be watching" Lucía spoke. "I think I'll keep it a secret til we arrive" she teased Lucía. "You're so annoying" Lucía whined like a little baby. "Deal with it" she smirked. When they made it to the movies Amelia finally told Lucía what movie they'd be watching. "Remember that one movie we watched at my apartment a few days ago? turns out theres a part two and I thought I'd be nice to watch it together" she told her. Amelia looked happy but Lucía looked terrified.

"What's wrong? it looks like you've seen a ghost" Amelia waved her hand in front of Lucía's face. "This movie made me want to cuddle my MOTHER to sleep it scared the shit out of me I swear if I end up shitting my pants I'm gonna kill you" she threatened. She obviously didnt want to watch the movie but seeing the sudden wave of sadness appearing on Amelia's face she changed her mind. "Y'know what it's fine. I'll watch it with you" Lucía noticed Amelia's smile reappearing.

"Thank you! you're the best" Amelia hugged her tight. Lucía's face turned red, very red. "I know. Now let's go get our tickets" Lucía smiled. Both girls got their movie tickets and a bucket of popcorn. They already were broke as it was, so they decided to share the bucket. They made it into the theater and realized a lot of people were there. The movie was all over social media so that explains why so many people were going to watch the movie's premiere. Lucía and Amelia had seats at the very back. When the movie had started Lucía could already feel the fear inside her grow.

Lucía never was too fond of horror movies. As tough as she seemed, she was more into rom-coms. Since she was a kid she had always found romance to be more appealing to her. Amelia on the other hand lived for horror movies. She'd pretend to puke whenever somebody would even bring up going to go watch a movie with a plot involving romance. Even though both girls hated one of the two genres they'd make that hate dissapear in an instant if it meant having to watch such movie with one an other.

Lucía couldn't keep on watching. She was genuinely so freaked out by this movie. Her first instinct was to grab Amelia's hand and squeeze it as hard as possible. Amelia was surprised, but smiled at Lucía and tried reassuring her that the movie wasn't real. Lucía realized that she was holding onto Amelia's hand and let go in a blink. "Amelia I'm sorry but the first movie was already scary as hell and this one is worse can we please leave?" Lucía said in a shaky voice. "Of course. I'm sorry I even brought you here in the first place. Let's get out of here" Amelia reached out to Lucías hand, which Lucía grabbed almost instantly.

If you were wondering what happened to the popcorn, they ate it before the movie even started. The two had now left the theater "Since I cut our- whatever you wanna call it short, wanna maybe go get food? I can go home and beg my sister to give me her money and I'll.. pay her back, sometime, I dont know" Lucía laughed out of embarrassment. "You're willing to pay for me?" Amelia asked. "I mean you did kinda pay for the popcorn, and I ruined your experience at the movies so I just wanna make it up to you" Lucía turned to face the other way.

Amelia blushed. "You holding onto my hand was quite nice" Amelia smiled. "Let's never talk about that like ever again. So what do ya' say?" Lucía faced Amelia. she agreed. Amelia thought this was Lucía's way of taking her on a date without saying she was taking her out on a date. The girls drove back to Lucia's home and Lucía made Amelia wait in the car. "Luz.. mind giving me some of your savings?" Lucía asked in the nicest way possible. "Depends, why?" Luz questioned her sister. "I'm going out to eat, with a.. friend" Lucía said nervously.

"You're going out with Amelia aren't you?"

"what no I'm going with Wionna"

"Then why not clarify"

"I do not have to explain myself to you" Lucía crossed her arms. "Fine but only because I know you want to impress Amelia" Luz grinned. "Thank you- hey stop that" Lucía cut herself off. Luz came back and gave Lucía some money. "Thank you Luz. I'll pay you back" Lucía ruffled her hair. "Don't worry about it, go have fun with your girlfriend" Luz waved goodbye. Lucía didnt answer. She went back to her car where Amelia was waiting.

"What place are you planning on taking me to?" Amelia asked. She was eager to know. Lucía wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. "I think I'll keep it a secret til we arrive" Lucía mimicked Amelia's voice. "So original" Amelia rolled her eyes, but laughed as well. Lucía drove herself and Amelia to a diner. Why? she remembered what Wionna had said. "Now imagine you were taking me out on a date and you brought me to McDonald's"

Lucía didnt exactly view this as a date, but was sure that Amelia did and thought if she had taken her to McDonalds she would've been disappointed. The diner wasn't all that fancy but had a cute setting. Its color scheme consisted of three colors. Red, blue and white. Lucía had been out with Luz to this place before and the two had really liked the food. When entering you could hear 80's music playing in the background.

Amelia and Lucía went and sat in an empty booth. When the waiter came to take their order, Lucía ordered a hamburger with a side of fries and a soft drink. Amelia ordered a club sandwich and a milkshake, with two straws. Lucía slightly blushed as Amelia looked at her and smiled. "This is cute, thank you for taking me here" Amelia said "Its whatever, glad you like it tho" Lucía smiled back.

Their food had finally arrived and the two dug in."Is it good?" Amelia asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich. "Its amazing" Lucía spoke with her mouth full. "Wait until you've swallowed before speaking" Amelia sighed. "You asked me a question and I answered" she closed her eyes as she grinned. "I guess I did" Amelia chuckled. "How's the sandwich?" Lucía asked as she took a handful of french fries and stuffed them into her face.

"Pretty good, should've ordered fries tho" Amelia said. Her intention wasn't to get Lucía to give her some of her's, but Lucía grabbed some of the fries on her plate and put them on Amelia's. "Oh no you didnt have to do that!!" she said trying to put the fries back onto Lucía's plate. "I insist I would've probably wasted them anyway" Lucía swallowed her food. When they had finished their meals, and Lucía finished her drink, Amelia finally decided to drink her shake. She put her straw in it and took a sip.

After Amelia had taken her first sip she put the second straw in and placed the milkshake right in front of herself and Lucía. Lucía leaned taking a sip. They both smiled at each other while drinking the shake. "How much do I owe you?" Amelia asked as she pulled her phone out. "Oh no no no, dont worry about it" Lucía told her. "What caused this sudden personality change?" Amelia covered her mouth as she laughed. "Just wanted to make up for what happened at the movies and like I already said earlier I'll pay for the both of us. I'll start being mean to you on Monday again" Lucía rested her head on her knuckles.

When they finished the shake, Lucía called for the waiter. She payed him and gave him a nice tip. They left the diner and Lucía drove Amelia back to her apartment. "Today was amazing. I'll see you tomorrow Luce" Amelia smiled at Lucía. "I had fun too, see ya tomorrow Ams" Lucía slightly nudged Amelia's shoulder as she headed back to her car and drove home.

word count: 1629

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