A Day In Hexside (20)

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Luz's alarm had just gone off. She jumped out of her bed and opened her curtain. She looked outside to see the grey, boring, plain sky. Luz turned off her alarm and got dressed. Once Luz had put her clothes on, she grabbed her phone and headed to the bathroom.

She took her toothbrush out of the cabinet above the sink and put a blob of toothpaste on it. Luz finished brushing her teeth and ran downstairs. She walked into the kitchen and prepared herself a sandwich. Luz took a bite out of her sandwich as she sat down.

She unlocked her phone and scrolled through her unseen messages. Some from her girlfriend, some from Willow, and some from her project partner. He obviously didn't know what he was doing, and he texted Luz asking if she could do all the work.

Luz sighed and ignored the messages. Luz continued eating her sandwich, when her sister Lucía walked into the kitchen. "Morning Luz" Lucía yawned. "Morning Lucía! you feeling alright?" Luz asked. "Yeah I'm fine, just tired" Lucía said as she opened the fridge. She found a piece of cake left over from two weeks ago and took it out.

"You sure that's okay to eat?" Luz asked, concerned about her sister. "If it wasn't, then why is it in the fridge?" Lucía grinned. She walked up to Luz and sat down. Lucía took a bite out of her cake, and surprisingly, it was good.

"You don't have school?" Lucía asked with her mouth full. "I'm supposed to leave in 10 minutes, and don't talk with your mouth full!" Luz sighed. "I'll just go now, I'm pretty bored" Luz got up from the table. "Alright, see you later Luz" Lucía said. "Bye Lucía! Luz waved.

She got to the front door and put her shoes on. Luz threw her jacket above her shoulder, grabbed her backpack, and walked out of the door. She ran down to the bus station, where she was met by Willow and Amity. "Hey guys! you feeling better Willow?" Luz hugged her friends.

"Super! and I didn't really wanna see my sister and her new girlfriend make out at home" Willow smiled awkwardly. "I still cannot believe your sister is dating your bully's sister" Luz exclaimed. "Still shocks me too" Willow chuckled.

"Hi Ami! how are you?" Luz kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "I'm doing well, how about you Luz?" Amity smiled. "I'm doing so good! today's gonna be amazing" Luz grinned. A few minutes later, the bus arrived. The three got on, as the doors shut behind them.

Luz, Amity, and Willow walked to the back of the bus. Usually, Boscha and her gang would be sitting there, but after that threat Lucía gave Boscha, she never bothered Luz and her friends about the backseat ever again.

"What's first period?" Amity asked. "Boring ol' chemistry. We've got a lot of it tho" Luz winked at her girlfriend. Amity slightly blushed at Luz's response, but Willow just cringed. "Guys.. please" Willow pinched her forehead. "Okay, okay. You guys have plans after school?" Luz asked her friends.

"It's my dad's birthday, and we're going out to celebrate. Sorry Luz, maybe another day" Willow frowned. "No worries! Ami?" Luz turned to her girlfriend. "Uhm.."

"Don't even think about talking to that girl when you get to school tomorrow!" Odalia shouted at her daughter. "Mom, my grades have been excellent, I have amazing attendance, I've been doing all of my chores, and I even bought you and dad an anniversary present. What am I doing wrong?!" Amity couldn't take it anymore. She was so furious at her mother for not letting her do anything. Amity was amazing at everything she did, but apparently not to her mother.

"Oh you think I don't know what's going on Amity?" Odalia crossed her arms. Amity gulped. She was wondering how her mom had found out. Did Ed or Em out her? or did she go through her stuff again. "What? I'm no-" Amity stressed, when suddenly got cut off by her mother.

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