06. same team huh

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ANDIE SCOFFED AS SHE slapped away the hand Thomas reached out toward her, jumping instead out the vent on her own

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ANDIE SCOFFED AS SHE slapped away the hand Thomas reached out toward her, jumping instead out the vent on her own. She landed with a crackling thud, one Thomas glared darts at her for.

With a roll of her eyes, she snatched the stolen keycard from Thomas back pocket and headed for the heavy shut doors. Aris and Thomas both looked nervously around for any sign of company, not seeing nor hearing anyone in sight.

From behind her shoulder, Thomas heard Andie let out a wavering sigh, her shoulders tensing as she swiped the card in its rightful place. He could imagine, that—alike himself—she hoped it wasn't as bad as she first thought, or rather that they'd been apprehensive for no good reason at all.

Though, as they stepped through the threshold into a blue lit room, the standing hair along their arms, told them otherwise. Now, it wasn't so much the scrubs and hazmat suits strung up in the room, though they got some attention too—but rather the horror that found itself on the other side of the glass to their right.

Glass pods filled to the brim with water containing what appeared to be growing baby grievers, was the sight the three were met with as they turned. Andie's throat went dry as she took in the familiar spikes, claws, and scales on the creature, the back of her neck prickling at the memory of all those lost to such a monster.

To her surprise however, she suddenly felt a tinge of pride and dominance overtake her as she scrutinized them. They looked so small compared to what she was used to, floating lifelessly, imprisoned by barriers they couldn't escape. She almost smiled when she remembered that she had escaped.

Without a word, she turned away and headed for the next set of doors, Aris and Thomas silently following behind. All and any form of ease then left them the minute the doors slid open, rows of bodies after bodies hung up along the room, all sorts of tubes and pipes entering and leaving their unmoving and dull frames.

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