08. run and hide

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ANDIE COULDN'T HELP but smirk when Thomas tossed up his middle finger, smiling victoriously at Janson banging on the other side of the door

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ANDIE COULDN'T HELP but smirk when Thomas tossed up his middle finger, smiling victoriously at Janson banging on the other side of the door.

"You little shit." He seethed, the wrinkles lining his forehead and eyes prominent in anger.

With the alarm still sounding throughout the building, and them having yet to leave the entirety of the premises, Minho shouted for them all to get going. They still weren't entirely free after all.

Andie let her eyes linger on Janson's vexed face for no more then a second, wishing more then anything she would never have to lay sight on it again. As she turned to follow the others, she grabbed Thomas by the back of his shirt, pulling his feet from were they stood rooted to the ground.

He let her without a second thought, the two quick enough on their feet to reach the back off the group within seconds. When they made it to the doors they had entered through only days ago, Thomas pushed to the front of the group, reaching for the leaver on the door eagerly.

Despite his keenness to get out of there, the words Janson had voiced earlier—about them not being able to survive out in the scorch—echoed in his head, making his hands clammy as he pulled.

As Andie watched the doors draw open, she was hit with sense of dejuvu, these doors resembling the maze entrance in so many ways she couldn't even explain. It almost felt like a sick parallel, an analogy to prompt them to remember that yet again, they were stepping into something unknown and dangerous.

They didn't even have a plan. They had little to no idea what they were intruding on. What type of world and environment they would be met with. They only knew so much. Things Dr Paige and Janson has told them. They could just as easily be lies and tricks like everything else.

The gust of wind that met her when the doors split however, evoked the reminder that they were no better off inside here. At least out there they could try.

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