15. upside-fucking-down

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BLOOD GUSHING TO HER HEAD wasn't something inherently unusual for Andie

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BLOOD GUSHING TO HER HEAD wasn't something inherently unusual for Andie. Yes, sure, it was usually at the fault of sudden anger she'd feel overtake her, like when Thomas had waltzed into the glade that day and run into the maze like he owned the place.


Like when he'd dared to call her out and said she'd broken glade rules by punching him, ergo she too deserved punishment like he himself had gotten.

Hell, just moments prior the blood had been gushing. Only then, it was because of unrelenting mucky hands owning to a man who thought he could do as he pleased, purely cause he had the physical strength too.

What she hadn't expected to be the cause of red face however, was hanging upside -fucking- down.

"Good Plan Thomas. Let's Just hear what the man has to say. Really working out for us." Minho voiced her very own thoughts.

"Shut up, Minho."

"No, he's right," Andie continued. "I mean, somehow, whenever you make the decisions, we always end up in the worst circumstances!" She whisper hissed.

He sputtered, "I didn't hear you objecting fifteen minutes ago!"

"Okay, fine! That was a stupid fault of my own. But you really need to start thinking with your fucking head, or I swear to god Thomas, I will string you to the first tree I see and leave you there!"

"Might take you awhile considering we haven't laid our eyes on a tree since the glade!"

The other Gladers couldn't find it in themselves to bother stopping the two's bickering, all of them equally as tired as the other. Thankfully though—depending on how you viewed the situation—another voice hushed them all together.

"Enjoying the view?"

The rope attached to their feet made them all casually spin in circles as they hung, making them only catch few glimpses of Jorge at a time as he approached.

𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆² - THOMASWhere stories live. Discover now