[ sunday 12 ]

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I am very cold.

Perhaps a little scared, also.

I don't really know how to explain the current situation I find myself in.

I may as well start by the beginning.


My name is Lukas Bondevik. Or so I have been told.

I was told to write down my thoughts in this diary for some reason I don't have the energy to question. Besides, I like writing. The diary used to belong to me, I think, but all of the pages have been ripped out. Which is a real shame, to say the least.

Currently, I'm sitting in someone's basement. It looks like a lab, but it's also definitely somebody's basement. Everything feels strangely familiar, but at the same time, I have never been here before. Or maybe I have.

Since this is my diary, I suppose I can be honest and say I am scared shitless. Yeah, that's right: shitless. I said shit.

I'm absolutely terrified. I would scream and cry, but that would be a little embarrassing considering I'm not alone.

There's a man named Arthur with me. The eyebrows on his face are very noticeable.. There was another guy but he started crying when we made eye contact and he just left?? Way to make a man comfortable.

We're friends, apparently. From university. He didn't tell me exactly what my major was, so I'm a little suspicious of the information provided to me. He offered me some tea and scones, which I gladly declined mainly due to the appearance of it. And the scones... he might as well call them "stones".

He explained to me that I had gotten into an accident. A very brutal one, considering the unholy amount of scars on my body. It was a little strange to wake up in a basement after an accident and not in... I don't know... a HOSPITAL. But can you really complain when you wake up alive with an acceptable amount of scratches in a not-so-shady place?

My mind is a bit of a blur, I feel like when you wake up from a nap and you're just unaware of your surroundings, in a state of confusion. Like that, but constant.

He said he'll try to do something about that, but I "need to go back to my family or they'll take legal actions" ??? A very suspicious character, in my humble opinion (Which sounds very rich coming from the guy covered in scars).

It's comforting to know that I have a family, at least and I don't have to be stuck with this guy. But it's also not comforting to know they allowed me to stay in a place like this (With a guy like him). But what do I know, huh? I'll be able to see them tomorrow. He has to run some tests on me, first. This may be a little mean, but I trust his medical abilities as much as I trust his chef abilities.

Nothing else to report. No other feelings to speak of. I could make a very detailed description of what this place looks like but I literally cannot bother to. I'm my only audience, I'm sure I'll remember. Then again, I'm in this situation exactly BECAUSE I can't remember anything. So I guess we'll just see.

Also because I'm writing this with a beaten up crayon. It's probably like 2 centimeters long. I'd make a joke about it, but I haven't checked if I'm in the conditions to do so.

I will be getting some rest, although strangely enough, I feel like I've slept for months. But if bears can hibernate for 6 months, why can't I? (I understand the difference between myself and a wild animal, please don't worry).

Signing off, (Writing off?)

- Lukas

P.S: If you can't tell just how scared I am, It's because I'm apparently excellent at hiding my feelings. Which should be concerning. I'll worry about it another day.

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