[wednesday oct. 25]

751 49 14

*in fancy cursive writing*

Dear Diary...?

Trust me I would LOVE to start off this "diary" with a fancy introduction, or some interesting nonsense about myself, but in reality I have no idea what the hell to do with this.

guess  this is some sort of way to remind myself of past events, so I'll do exactly that...

Today, Iceland begged me in his teenage ways to buy him a new diary.

"Would you like your big brother to buy you a new diary?" I asked

"No- I mean... It's not like I WANT a new one... but... If you insist... " 

But he actually meant:


And I was more than pleased to do so.

I have no idea what sort of things he used to write down on his old one, but it's probably very depressing and sad. My little brother is a very serious person- I don't remember the last time I ever saw him smile or say some random stupidity. Of course, I am exteriorly serious as well. Must be genetic.

Anyway, I went to the store and surprisingly, if you bought three cans of tuna this week, you could buy any product at half it's price, and since we're out of tuna, I decided to buy 9 cans and pay 3 diaries at half price.

I have no idea what kind of discount that is, but who am I to complain?

I gave one to Iceland, and though he did not show it, he was extremely content. I gave Finland the other one. I'm not entirely sure he appreciated it, but I honestly don't care.

I only had one left. So here I am.

That is about all I did today worth remembering. The rest I would rather forget, actually. I assume that's all one has to do with a diary, so I suppose I will write in this every day...? 


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