[friday oct. 27]

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I have yet to read my brother's diary, though I have found it and hid it under my bed. By the looks of it, he really has enjoyed using it (that or he enjoys beating it up for fun) 

Honestly, I do not know what to expect by reading his diary, besides teenage rambles about how life is hard and boring things. Maybe he will mention me somewhere...

I am scared to know what he thinks of me. By how he acts around me, I assume he hates me and wishes for me to choke on butter. But that can not happen, since butter is slippery and it will slide down my throat. Still...

Are these the kind of things I am supposed to talk about in a diary? Probably not...I have a very interesting life and could fill an entire book with my daily actions only, though talking about your feelings feels...relieving?

Maybe a diary is all about venting out your problems and feelings...But honestly, that is so gay- 

I'll keep my feelings to myself, thank you.


PS: I forgot to write about my day. Sweden bought a pet goldfish and put it in an old empty coffee jar while he prepared the bowl. Finland mistook the fish jar with an almost empty coffee jar we have and dumped the fish inside the coffee machine without looking. 

The outcome would of been quite hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that the coffee he was making was for me. 

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