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After going to the store and finding out about a discount involving tuna, Norway ends up buying three diaries: one for his brother, one for Finland and the other for himself.

At first, he is confused on what he is supposed to do with it. He believes diaries are for remembering past events in the future, therefore, he begins to write down his daily activities, while also considering on checking out Iceland's diary for a guide on how to write in his own.

One day, he finally snatches it and hides it in his room, only for it to dissappear days later.

Many things happen, which lead Norway to curse Sweden over his broken hair clip and a ridiculous trip to Ireland.

Upon arriving from his trip, he digs through Iceland's room and successfully retrieves it back. He spends 2 weeks locked in the attic attempting to unlock it without brute force (which results in breaking the lock by accident and having to build another lock, plus its key).

Finally, after all that time, he was able to read his brother's diary, only to be shocked by its contents: just plain bullshit. Iceland finds out Norway had read his diary and runs away from home. A few days later, he decidides to confront his older brother about the situation, resulting in Norway running away from home.

He spends the last days of his natural life wandering around the streets of Stockholm, Sweden, after getting lost, being both hungry and cold. He is cornered in an alleyway by a 5 meter tall raptor. Exhausted and with no more will to live, he lets himself get devoured by the hungry beast, dropping his diary from his weak grip.

The beast was later killed by Finland, who was looking for Norway along with the others. A funeral was held for the coffee loving Norwegian. Every country attended, all of them depressed and sad...except for two...


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