277 26 4

February 2, 1998

"I heard you're into... magic"

"You heard right. I assume you both are as well..."

"You're right!!"

"I see..."

"You see... We have this club-"



"I know you both are good with magic, but a club? Makes it sound like a joke. Magic is no joke"

"Both of us are very serious about our magic. We're experts in spells... charms... black magic"

"I see where you're going. Listen, I'm not joining any club-  one is more than enough. But... if you're interested, we could form some sort of-"


".... alliance"

"That would work perfectly. We both have a rather interesting project in mind we've been aching to try out, but we need help. This is were you come in, friend."

"I'm listening..."

"It's very very interesting, indeed. Something never before seen, only heard of in old stories! We know it's possible. We tried it twice, however, both tries failed."

"Yes, that's sadly the case. It's a perfect balance of magic and science, something I heard you're good at as well. How about you help us with this, Norway?"

".... I'll consider it. What was this 'project' of yours, again?"

" Should we tell him??"

" I don't see why not"

"What we're planning to do... is bring back those who no longer are alive from the dead"

"In other words... resurrection"

".... I'm in"

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