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The dreary day of the wedding had inevitably arrived and fearfully the bride-to-be was still gone. All the preparations were set, decorations graced the entire castle, and the guests had all arrived.

Everyone was horribly nervous, waiting anxiously to see if the bride would show or burn the castle down where it stood. In the days that Verena had disappeared, Daemon and Rhaenyra attempted every single thing to convince the king to call off the wedding. But he stuck to his word and insisted to marry off his remaining child before his death.

"Do you realize the war this will cause if a black and green marry?" Daemon frustratingly grit to his wife in their chambers moments before leaving for the wedding feast.

"Maybe this is exactly what we need. When I tried to arrange a marriage between my son and Alicents daughter all those years ago maybe the gods did not grant it for this moment." Rhaenyra tried to see some positivity in this cruel event.

Daemon did not speak, he was neglected in his own mind. Viserys would never force Verena to marry Aemond. The two showed no care or tolerance to the other for him to unexpectedly betroth them. It had to be the work of Otto and Alicent in an attempt to gather allies seeing as Verena is a queen with a small army at her command and not to mention the rider of three dragons.

If Verena did not show then there would be no marriage and that satisfied Daemon. But if Verena did not show the greens would turn her into a traitor to the kingdom.

"She will come." Rhaenyra soothed Daemon's neck and caressed his back in comfort, "She loves Viserys too much not to."

"But does she love him enough to live in a miserable marriage?" He questioned.

"Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys have arrived Prince and Princess." A guard informed them, "Shall I bring them in?"

"There's no need we're leaving for the celebration immediately," Rhaenyra confirmed.

Aegon had been in a drunken sloppy state since the night she left. He had locked himself in his chambers, going through an appalling rate of wine. The only reason he determined to attend the celebration is that his mother forced him but the possibility of Aegon seeing his delight enforced his decision to go.

All his family was seated in the great hall where the feast was held everyone but the bride. "Where is she?" Otto nervously questioned out loud.

"She will be here Otto. Do not annoy me even more with your voice." Daemon responded sitting on the other side of the king.

"If she does not show within the next few minutes, I will burn that pathetic kingdom of hers to the ground." Aemond merely threatened Aegon who had been nonstop drinking.

That miserable night he did not listen to his uncle's words and set to find her on Vhagar. The only place he could think of was the kingdom Aegon described to him and when he showed up in the middle of the night with his monstrous creature the knights had informed him that their Queen had not been there since earlier in the day.

He would have believed that they were lying to protect their queen, but the vacant site of no dragons nearby confirmed that they were telling the truth. Aemond did not know where else to look for he did not comprehend anything about her. All he did until late morning was ride the skies trying to find her or catch a glimpse of her dragons.

"Princess Verena Targaryen, the First of her name, Slayer of Men, and mother of three dragons." a royal guard announced her entrance. She entered gracefully with her head held high. Everyone at the Kings table stood when they marked her standing at the particular end.

The fact that she looked breathtaking could not be denied by anyone. Because Verena most certainly did. Her feature-enhancing white dress with loose-sleeved sleeves and white corset, which accentuated her shape while pressing up her breasts, was something most women would not wear. Her shapely neck was adorned with a Targaryen dragon necklace. A graceful movement was made by her flowy dress as she moved closer to the king's table.

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