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"My queen." Lord Serpen bowed his head after Verena had gotten off Verenax. Viselar refused to let Verena mount him after what she had done.

"Lord Serpen." she took his hands in hers with a radiating smile that he was puzzled to see. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen her smile.

"Prince Aemond." he stooped his head when Aemond came up behind her. "Is something the matter my queen?"

"My husband and I shall remain here for a few days." Verena glanced cautiously at Aemond standing between her and Lord Serpen, glaring at them holding hands. She put her hand on his face and pushed him away, rolling her eyes. "Seeing as we never had a proper honeymoon. Now unless someone or something is on fire, do not bother us." Verena pat his face and walked away while dragging Aemond behind her.

All Lord Serpen could do was turn and watch the two depart from him in considerable confusion. When he saw a giant shadow creeping up to him he slightly turned his head and gasped seeing Vhagar. "Oh good gods." he proclaimed running away from her.

"Aemond!" Verena screamed when he pitched her over his shoulder in the halls. "I am a Queen here I can not be seen like this."

"How many men are exactly in your life that get to touch you?" he eagerly questioned and lifted his eager hand, smacking her arse.

"Aemond." she gasped striking his back with both her hands. "You're going the wrong way."

"Which way am I supposed to go then?"

"Your grace." A distinctive voice was heard, and Verena shot up her head with her eyes widened. She would die from all the profound embarrassment she suffered today.

"Lord Howard." Verena smiled politely but Aemond turned around causing him to face the lord. "Lord Howard this is my husband Prince Aemond Targaryen." her voice was overheard from behind Aemond.

"A pleasure Prince Aemond." he bowed his head and raised it observing the two in a scandalous manner. But a part of him rejoiced in the fact his queen was married. Because that meant they would soon bear a potential heir.

"Where are her chambers?"Aemond questioned, and Verena concealed her face in his lower back, mortified by the encounter.

"It is just down the hall to your left my Prince." Lord Howard raised his finger to indicate which way he should go. Aemond didn't even say thank you before rushing off to where he was determined to go to.

"Aemond Targaryen you son of a b-" That was the only thing that echoed in the halls after the sound of her chamber door was flung shut.

Even though the devastating event was three days ago Verena still couldn't overcome it. Every time she thought about it. She wanted to bury her head into her pillow from embarrassment.

"Stop laughing," she instantly ordered striking his chest. "It's not funny Aemond."

"It's mildly funny." he laughed at the embarrassment that however followed her. Verena laid on top of his chest but balanced herself on her elbows with his stomach pressed against him.

"Gods how will I face the Lords after that." she lowered herself to instantly press her face against his chest.

During the three days they were away from Kings Landing their relationship rapidly progressed in a way neither could imagine was possible. They barely left their chambers, actually, they had never left them. They argued, fucked, and laughed with one another the entire time.

More importantly, they both felt free from any worry or dread. Verena liked seeing Aemond like this, comfortable with a laugh that always filled her ears. She only wished it was something that occurred sooner if it wasn't for his incredible stupidity.

"Have you forgiven me?"

That fundamental question had been restated a million times since their arrival positively and was beginning to anger Verena. Multiple times throughout the day he would ask her that over and over again.

And each time her answer was the same.

"No," she repeated fiercely and climbed on top of him to straddle his hips. The unique way she knew of to silence him before he asked another question was to kiss him. He instantly gained a hold of her hips and pulled himself up to connect their stripped bodies to each other.

One thing she enjoyed was that no matter what conversation or argument they were having all she had to do was tenderly kiss him and he'd forget about everything. Matter of fact she was beginning to abuse her newfound power over Aemond whenever he irritated her.

He tried to flip them over, but Verena secured a harsh hold of his throat and forced him back down to the bed. "Not this time," she ordered watching Aemond arch a brow with a grin. He was always the one to pleasure her, always sinking down to his knees to latch his tongue on her cunt. But this time she thought he deserved the same pleasure.

Verena first kissed the top of his scar, following the deep pink line down his eye. She moved to kiss the edge of his jaw then his neck where she lightly bit. It was hard to ignore the erection pressing against her thigh, and it bought a faint smile to her knowing he was already hard.

At a slow pace, she moved down to his chest, then to his abdomen leaving a trail of kisses down her path. When she reached his v line Aemond, let a harsh breath out surveying her in complete awe.

"Should I make you beg Aemond?" she muttered fiercely against his skin. Verena didn't allow him to respond and grasped his cock, swirling his tip with her tongue. He groaned at the pleasant sensation of her sensual mouth and hand stroking him at a leisurely pace. Aemond flung his head back when she flattened her tongue on his tip and proceeded to lick down his shaft.

"Fuck just like that Verena." he moaned grabbing a fistful of her hair. Aemond was entirely losing himself while she was bobbing her head up and down his cock, her hand satisfying the spots her mouth couldn't reach. And when she hallowed her cheeks, swirling her tongue around his tip Aemond let out an echoing moan that buzzed in her ears. "You make me feel so good." he whimpered.

The sound of his grunts and whimpers fuelled a wave of fiery arousal between her legs. Aemond was able to make her slick with his moans alone but something about him whimpering made Verena hazy at the moment. "I'll give you a choice Aemond." her hand still stroking his length. "You can either finish in me or my mou-." Aemond didn't even think for a second and seised her throat, forcing Verena back on top of him, he grabbed his cock and eagerly watched her gradually sink down with ease due to her own wetness.

Their moans mixed like an expressive melody when he thrust his hips up, slamming himself to be fully inside her. She screamed and almost lost her balance, but he sat up and wrapped his arms round her lower back. "You look so pleasant when I'm inside of you." Verena couldn't speak, her throat burned at how violently he was thrusting inside of her. The considerable pain of her knees along with his cock intentionally hitting a sensitive spot deep inside her made Verena limp as if she was about to shatter.

Aemond felt her tighten round him and shifted a hand to grip her throat hard. He was suffocating her, and her face turned red as tears slid down her eyes. "Faster," she barely ordered being able to speak. He flipped them over, his grip tightening round her throat, and buried himself inside her cunt, no longer thrusting.

"I would burn this world for you," he divinely revealed and watched Verena widen her eyes under him. Aemond pulled himself almost entirely out and slammed back inside her. "I would kill everyone if I lost you, Verena."

She gasped trying to adjust to the considerable thickness that was planted inside her.

"Everyone," he swore with another rough thrust.




"You're mine." she breathed clawing at his back and took hold of his throat as well.

"I'm yours." Aemond was beginning to fasten his deliberate pace and rose his lips to hers. He was able to taste himself on her tongue and bit her lower lip, drawing blood as he dragged the skin between his teeth. She tightened round his length moaning out his name as if it was a prayer with every brutal thrust. Simultaneously they both let out a moan added in with a slight gasp from Verena when Aemond slapped her cheek and resumed kissing her.

Mumbling hopelessly in his mouth, she arched her back as he thrust one last time, finishing inside of her. Putting his weight on top of her, he held her breathlessly, unable to move for a few seconds. Verena tried to force him away, desperately trying to get away from him so she could have a moment to recover from the pain between her legs. Aemond supported himself over her and gripped her jaw, rejoicing in the tears flowing down her face.

"You didn't think we were finished now did you?" he smiled wryly inching down her legs.

"Wait what?" Verena panicked and looked down to see him latching his lips on her sensitive clit and cried at the stinging sensation that took over her legs.

Neither could sleep truth be told, they didn't want to waste a minute not being in each other's presence. Verena sat in an armchair by the fireplace in her nightdress with Aemond on the floor between her legs. She braided his hair in peaceful silence while he rubbed up and down her leg.

He tried to kiss her calf, but she pulled at his head. "Stop moving I'm on my last braid," she ordered smacking the back of his head.

"I'm never letting you do this again." he knowingly lied with a faint smile. Aemond genuinely enjoyed the position they were in, even though neither spoke there was a sense of comfort in the way everything was. Comfort he never thought would grace them.

He had told her everything about what Aegon had done and how Lady Baratheon knew and continued the lie. Verena vowed that when they got back to Red Keep she was going to slit her throat and Aemond said she was allowed to if he got to watch.

But Aemond didn't tell her of his plan to kill Aegon. He knew Verena would agree without hesitation, but it was not so simple. If Aegon died Aemond automatically becomes King which meant she would become Queen of the seven kingdoms. There was uncertainty in Aemond if Verena would even want the iron throne, after all, she was still loyal to Rhaenyra. He wanted to tell her, to ask if she would rule alongside him but that would possibly cause another argument between them.

And Aemond didn't want to ruin something they both tragically suffered through to get where they were now.

A knock extremely frustrated the two. It was the first time anyone had valiantly attempted to disturb them so late in the night and Verena groaned from mild annoyance. She forced herself up and threw on her dress robe.

"Is someone on fire?" she eagerly questioned Lord Serpen when she flung the door open.

"No my queen."

"Is something on fire?"

"No my queen."

"Then why are we being disturbed?"

He looked almost frightened clutching two pieces of parchment in his hands. Lord Serpen knew that disturbing her would not be appreciated by his queen but it was extremely important he delivered what he received only moments ago.

"Two ravens had arrived just moments ago. One from Kings Landing," he handed the first one to Verena which she knew already was from Aegon. "And another from dragonstone." he whispered fiercely placing the second one in her hands.

Instantly she turned to look at Aemond with a nervous glance and looked back to Lord Serpen, "Thank you. Good night Lord Serpen."

"Good night my queen."

Verena stood for moments staring at the shut door and sighed to herself. Three days, almost four, of profound peace and everlasting bliss had suddenly come crashing down. Even though she knew it would not last long, she wished they had just a little more time together in solitude.

"What is it Ñuha perzys?" My fire. It was a newly assigned pet name Aemond had naturally gifted her. One that at first annoyed Verena but she grew to like it.

Aemond knew everything. Verena informed him what had transpired that day at dragonstone between her and Rhaenyra, the plan she had. It resulted in a weighty argument between the two not because she was secretly aligned with his sister. That's something he already knew. But because he remembered that Verena was going to take her own life.

Was going to leave him all alone in a sorrowful state for the rest of his life.

"This letter is from Aegon." she held up the letter between her two fingers, "And this one is from Rhaenyra." Verena walked back near the fireplace and comfortably sat on his lap, binding an arm round his upper back.

He plucked the one from Aegon and examined it for moments before flinging it into the fireplace. "What letter?" he questioned and watched Verena smile again.

"What letter?" she repeated tilting her head on his shoulder. "Open it." Rhaenyra's letter was handed to Aemond, and he turned his head to look at her with his eyes slightly narrowed. "I have nothing to hide from you. You know everything so open it."

The corner of his lips curled into a slight smile that they were able to completely trust one another now. For a moment he kissed the corner of her jaw and resumed tearing off the wax seal.

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